Please call or contact one of our administrative units for more information about the following activities:

Research Funding: Office of Research and Project Administration, 646-227-3625, [email protected]

Technology Development: Office of Technology Development, 212-639-6181, [email protected]

Compliance Review and Oversight: Research Outreach and Compliance: 646-888-1062, [email protected]

Clinical Research Administration: Clinical Research Operations, [email protected]

Clinical Research Compliance: 646-227-6024


Annmarie L. Pacchia
Annmarie L. Pacchia

Senior Vice President, Research and Project Administration

Greg Raskin
Greg Raskin

Senior Vice President, Technology Development

Collette Houston
Collette Houston

Vice President, Clinical Research Compliance

Stephanie Terzulli
Stephanie Terzulli

Vice President, Clinical Research Operations

RuthAnn Gordon
RuthAnn Gordon

Director, Clinical Trial Nursing

Steve Dominguez
Steve Dominguez

Senior Director, Research Technology and Management Systems