Search by name: and/or Research Topics: Artificial IntelligenceCancer Genetics & Genomics Cancer Immunotherapy & VaccinesCancer MetabolismCell-Based TherapyCell Signaling & RegulationChemical BiologyComputational OncologyDevelopmental BiologyEpigeneticsExercise OncologyGenome IntegrityHealth Outcomes, Epidemiology & StatisticsHematologic MalignanciesIon ChannelsImagingImmunologyMetastasis & Drug ResistanceMicrobiome & InflammationMolecular Pathology & DiagnosticsNanotechnologyNeuroscience & Neuro-OncologySolid Tumor OncogenesisStem Cell BiologyStructural BiologySystems BiologyTargeted TherapyTumor Microenvironment Explore our research topics. Learn about our recent discoveries. Meet our researchers. 21 Faculty Members found Human Oncology & Pathogenesis Program Adrienne A. Boire, MD, PhD Physician-scientist Adrienne Boire studies metastasis to the central nervous system. View Publications Chemical Biology Program Gabriela Chiosis, PhD The Chiosis lab uses a unique chemical biology approach to understand, diagnose, and treat cellular processes associated with chronic molecular stress, with the ultimate goal of developing novel therapeutic options for use in the clinic. View Publications [email protected] Structural Biology Program Melinda M. Diver, PhD The Diver lab studies the physiological roles and molecular mechanisms of understudied membrane-embedded proteins with the goal of revealing novel therapeutic targets for diseases such as pain and cancer. View Publications [email protected] Cell Biology Program Robert Farese, MD The Farese & Walther lab studies the biology and pathology of cellular lipid metabolism, focusing on lipid/energy storage in lipid droplets and sphingolipid metabolism in lysosomes. Brain Tumor Center Andrei Holodny, MD The Functional MRI Laboratory provides pre-operative planning for patients with brain tumors and studies the clinical applications of advanced neuroimaging techniques for brain tumor imaging. [email protected] Developmental Biology Program Alexandra Joyner, PhD The Joyner laboratory studies the involvement of Hedgehog signaling and transcription factors in cerebellum development, regeneration and cancer. View Publications [email protected] Developmental Biology Program Eric C. Lai, PhD The Lai laboratory integrates genetics, biochemistry, and genomewide approaches to study diverse regulatory networks during patterning and behavior. View Publications [email protected] Cancer Biology & Genetics Program Joan Massagué, PhD Joan Massagué studies the control of stem cell growth and phenotype in tumor progression, metastasis, and response to therapy. View Publications [email protected] Human Oncology & Pathogenesis Program Ingo K. Mellinghoff, MD, FACP Physician-scientist Ingo Mellinghoff studies signal transduction alterations in primary brain tumors. View Publications Structural Biology Program Dimitar B. Nikolov, PhD The Nikolov laboratory focuses on the structural, biophysical, and biochemical characterization of the molecular mechanisms of cell-cell interactions and signal transduction in the nervous system. View Publications [email protected] Pagination Load More