MSK Hopp Summer Student Program Components

MSK Hopp Summer Student Program Components


All participants in the HOPP SSP will participate in the following:

  • Conduct Laboratory or Computational based research projects
  • Postdoctoral Led Journal Clubs
  • HOPP SSP Student Led Journal Clubs
  • PI Luncheons
  • Laboratory Tours
  • Teambuilding & Social Networking Sessions
  • Stipend – For the eight-week program, students receive a total stipend amount of $1,200.


Each participant in the HOPP Summer Student Program is assigned to an 8-week, biomedical or computational lab-based internship at MSKCC. Students are paired with a mentor who supervises their activities, helps them develop appropriate skills. Over the course of the internship, students complete a self-directed project that provides value to their mentor and/or Principal Investigator’s overall research objectives. Through participation in laboratory meetings and program sessions, students are exposed to a variety of people within their assigned laboratories and MSKCC community.