How the Richard White Lab Studies Zebrafish to Understand Cancer
Cancer biologist and oncologist Richard White studies zebrafish to understand how tumors start and why they eventually metastasize to new locations.
Hands, Feet, and Fins: The Connection That Explains Acral Melanoma
Sloan Kettering Institute scientists are using zebrafish to understand human skin cancer that attacks the hands and feet.
Why Are Only Some Cells ‘Competent’ to Form Cancer? MSK Scientists Say Context Is Key
Experiments with zebrafish and human pluripotent stem cells reveal the necessary ingredients, besides genetic mutations, that fuel the development of melanoma.
Don't Scratch That Mole? Scientists Are Learning More about Inflammation and Cancer
It's not only what's inside your cells that determines your cancer risk. It's what surrounds them too.
Cancer Cells Eat Fat to Grow and Spread
Research conducted in zebrafish shows that melanoma cells have an affinity for fat, and that eating it makes them more aggressive.
In the Lab
Studying Cancer Mysteries Just Beneath the Scales
Hail to the zebrafish. MSK scientists are using a small fish to answer some big questions about cancer.
Watch Webcast of “Major Trends” Seminar — Annual Event for High School Students
Memorial Sloan Kettering’s annual seminar exposes high school students and their teachers to cutting-edge scientific research.