82 News Items found
Illustration of Enterococcus
Study in Mice Suggests Lactose in the Diet Feeds Dangerous Gut Bacteria When the Immune System Is Compromised
Lab mice who had lactose removed from their diets had a decreased risk of infection with the Enterococcus bacterium.
In the Lab
Illustration of how PU-PET localizes to tumors
Bull’s-Eye: Imaging Technology Could Confirm When a Drug Is Going to the Right Place
Collaborative team advances a new approach for imaging a drug that’s been developed to stop cancer growth.
Michel Talagrand, Maria Jasin, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, and Edward Stone
Meet Maria Jasin, an Award-Winning Biologist Who Studies DNA Repair
Maria Jasin, a member of the Sloan Kettering Institute’s Developmental Biology Program, discusses her research.
In the Lab
An illustration of two teapots with liquid flowing into various cups
How Stem Cells Decide Their Fate
Research in blood stem cells has revealed new information about how these cells decide what to become when they divide.
In the Lab
Molecular image with target symbol
Scientists Develop a Tool to Watch a Single Gene Being Transcribed in a Living Cell
A new imaging technology developed at MSK allows researchers to focus on genes as they are copied into messenger RNA.
In the Lab
cartoon of man hitting a snooze button
Drug That Hits CAR T Snooze Button Can Quiet a Cytokine Storm
An FDA-approved drug used to treat leukemia can serve as a temporary off switch for CAR T cells, MSK scientists have found.
In the Lab
Fluorescent red and green cells
Scientists Use CRISPR to Learn How Cells Make Decisions
The genome-editing technique uncovered several genes previously not known to influence embryonic development.
In the Lab
DNA winding around histones
Research Clarifies How IDH Mutations Cause Cancer
The MSK team’s goal was to get at the underlying defects in cells that these mutations cause.
In the Lab
Immune cells surrounding a cancer cell
Checkpoint Challenge: When Releasing Immune Cell Brakes Is Not Enough to Stop Cancer
Scientists have learned that cutting a T cell’s brakes can have unexpected consequences.
In the Lab
Two clusters of colored blobs with a diagram in the middle
Computational “Hive Mind” Helps Scientists Solve an Enzyme’s Cryptic Movements
The breakthrough gives an unprecedented look at the varied and shifting poses of a protein in action.