Featured Publications
Mitra, S; Malik, R; Wong, W; Rahman, A; Hartemink AJ; Pritykin, Y; Dey, KK; Leslie, CS. 2024. Single-cell multi-ome regression models identify functional and disease-associated enhancers and enable chromatin potential analysis. Nature Genetics, 55, pp.627-636.
Jagadeesh, K.A.*, Dey, K.K.*, Montoro, D.T., Mohan, R., Gazal, S, Engreitz, J.M., Xavier, R.J., Price, A.L., and Regev, A., 2022. Identifying disease-critical cell types and cellular processes across the human body by integration of single-cell profiles and human genetics. Nature Genetics, 54, pp. 1479-1492.
Dey, K.K., Gazal, S., van de Geijn, B., Kim, S.S., Nasser, J., Engreitz, J.M. and Price, A.L., 2022. SNP-to-gene linking strategies reveal contributions of enhancer-related and candidate master-regulator genes to autoimmune disease. Cell Genomics, 2(7), p.100145.
Delorey, T.M.*, .., Dey, K.K.* et al, 2021. COVID-19 tissue atlases reveal SARS-CoV-2 pathology and cellular targets. Nature, 595(7865), pp.107-113.
Dey, K.K., Van de Geijn, B., Kim, S.S., Hormozdiari, F., Kelley, D.R. and Price, A.L. 2020. Evaluating the informativeness of deep learning annotations for human complex diseases. Nature Communications, 11 (4703).
Gazal, S., Weissbrod, O., Hormozdiari, F., Dey, K.K., Nasser, J., Jagadeesh, K.A., Weiner, D.J., Shi, H., Fulco, C.P., O’Connor, L.J. and Pasaniuc, B., 2022. Combining SNP-to-gene linking strategies to identify disease genes and assess disease omnigenicity. Nature Genetics, 54, pp.827-836.
Weiner, D.J., Nadig, A., Jagadeesh, K.A., Dey, K.K., Neale, B.M., Robinson, E.B., Karczewski, K.J. and O’Connor, L.J., 2023. Polygenic architecture of rare coding variation across 394,783 exomes. Nature, 614(7948), pp.492-499.
Zhang, M.J., Hou, K., Dey, K.K., Jagadeesh, K.A., Weinand, K., Sakaue, S., Taychameekiatchai, A., Rao, P., Pisco, A.O., Zou, J. and Wang, B., 2022. Polygenic enrichment distinguishes disease associations of individual cells in single-cell RNA-seq data. Nature Genetics, 54, pp.1572-1580
Nasser, J.,…Dey, K.K., et al, 2021. Genome-wide enhancer maps link risk variants to disease genes. Nature, 593(7858), pp.238-243.
Kim, S.S., Dey, K.K., Weissbrod, O., Marquez-Luna, C., Gazal, S. and Price, A.L., 2020. Improving the informativeness of Mendelian disease pathogenicity scores for common disease. Nature Communications. 11(1): 6258.
Amariuta, T., .., Dey, K.K., et al, 2020. Improving the trans-ancestry portability of polygenic risk scores by prioritizing variants in predicted cell-type-specific regulatory elements. Nature Genetics, 52(12), pp.1346-1354.
Hsiao, C.J., Tung, P., Blischak, J.D., Burnett, J.E., Barr, K.A., Dey, K.K., Stephens, M. and Gilad, Y., 2020. Characterizing and inferring quantitative cell cycle phase in single-cell RNA-seq data analysis. Genome research, 30(4), pp.611-621.
White, A.E., Dey, K.K., Mohan, D., Stephens, M. and Price, T.D., 2019. Regional influences on community structure across the tropical-temperate divide. Nature Communications, 10(1), pp.1-8.
White, A.E., Dey, K.K., Stephens, M. and Price, T.D., 2021. Dispersal syndromes drive the formation of biogeographical regions, illustrated by the case of Wallace’s Line. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 30(3), pp.685-696.
Marcus, J.H., …Dey, K.K., et al. 2020. Genetic history from the Middle Neolithic to present on the Mediterranean island of Sardinia. Nature communications, 11(1), pp.1-14.
Al-Asadi, H.*, Dey, K.K.*, Novembre, J. and Stephens, M., 2019. Inference and visualization
of DNA damage patterns using a grade of membership model. Bioinformatics, 35(8), pp.1292-1298.
Dey, K.K., Xie, D. and Stephens, M., 2018. A new sequence logo plot to highlight enrichment
and depletion. BMC bioinformatics, 19(1), pp.1-9.