202 News Items found
In Brief
A fluorescent image of cells undergoing differentiation in a mouse model.
Cancer Stem Cells’ Reliance on a Key Amino Acid Could Be an Exploitable Weakness
The discovery links metabolism to the way cancer stem cells form tumors.
In the Lab
Chromosomes from a human male
How Small Chromosomes Compete with Big Ones for a Cell’s Attention
During meiosis, small chromosomes risk being lost in the shuffle. Here’s how they hold their own.
In the Lab
Fluorescent image of mouse prostate gland
New Discovery Explains How the Prostate Gland Regenerates Itself
Androgen-deprivation therapy, a mainstay of prostate cancer treatment, may give prostate cells new growth abilities, scientists at Memorial Sloan Kettering have found.
In the Lab
An illustration of a samurai riding a horse along a strand of RNA. The samurai’s sword is changing the letter A to the letter I.
Novel Tool Enables Study of Rare Acute Myeloid Leukemia Stem Cells
MSK investigators have used a lab tool originally developed to study fly nerve cells to uncover new findings about acute myeloid leukemia.
In the Lab
Bacteroides bacteria under the microscope
Research Uncovers Details about How Gut Microbes Influence the Immune System
Investigators have shown how gut microbes promote the formation of a type of immune cell called regulatory T cells.
In the Lab
Cancer biologist Scott Lowe
Drug Combination Could Boost the Effectiveness of Immunotherapy against Pancreatic Cancer
Studies conducted in mice reveal a potential way to breach the defenses of pancreatic cancer tumors.
In the Lab
black and white image of cells under a microscope
Researchers Discover Stem Cells That May Drive Aggressive Behavior in Glioblastoma
Researchers have discovered uncanny similarities between cells found in brain tumors and a type of stem cell that’s important for building the brain during fetal development.
In the Lab
An illustration of lung develop alongside tumor evolution
Shape-Shifting Stem Cells Are Key to Cancer Metastasis and Immune Evasion
By assuming primitive regenerative identities, cancer cells gain the adaptability they need to establish tumors in new parts of the body.
An illustration of a magnifying glass over a brain.
Study Reveals a New Way That Stress and Aging Lead to Alzheimer’s
A targeted approach being developed to treat certain cancers may also be effective for Alzheimer’s disease.
Cancer biologist Scott Lowe at a white board
Researchers Find that Vitamin B6 Contributes to Survival of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells
This research marks the first time researchers have found a connection between vitamin B6 and cancer.