24 News Items found
In the Lab
Fluorescent image of mouse prostate gland
New Discovery Explains How the Prostate Gland Regenerates Itself
Androgen-deprivation therapy, a mainstay of prostate cancer treatment, may give prostate cells new growth abilities, scientists at Memorial Sloan Kettering have found.
Sign for AACR scientific meeting featuring collage of images
Highlights from MSK at the 2018 American Association for Cancer Research Meeting
Read up on the latest developments in several key areas of cancer research, including genomic mapping, disease modeling through CRISPR, CAR T therapy, and cancer stem cells.
In the Lab
Sloan Kettering Institute Director Joan Massagué with laboratory member Karuna Ganesh
When Cancer Spreads: Research Focuses on Better Ways to Treat Metastasis
MSK investigators are learning how cancer cells escape from the original tumor and hide out in the body. Their goal is to prevent metastatic tumors from forming.
Science Byte
Cancer biologist and pediatric oncologist Alex Kentsis
Blocking Enzymes That Signal DNA Damage Could Be a Treatment Strategy for Childhood Cancers
A new strategy for treating pediatric cancers involves preventing cells from repairing their own DNA.
In the Lab
Cancer biologist and pediatric oncologist Alex Kentsis
Jumping Genes and the Dark Genome: MSK Researchers Gain New Insight into Childhood Cancers
Researchers have discovered a genetic mechanism that may trigger most childhood cancers.
In the Lab
Organoid cell structures fluorescing in blue, green, and purple.
Manipulating a Single Gene Turns Colorectal Cancer Cells Back to Normal
For the first time, scientists have shown that the gene APC, which is mutated in the vast majority of colorectal cancers, might be a promising target for future therapies.
In the Lab
MSK investigators Joan Massagué and Anna Obenauf
Outsmarting Cancer’s Survival Skills
A new study led by MSK investigators reveals how some cancer cells become resistant to targeted treatment and suggests what might be done to stop that from happening.
In the Lab
Cancer biologist Andrea Ventura
Disorderly DNA: Researchers Simulate a Common Cause of Lung Cancer
MSK scientists have created a mouse model that replicates a subtype of non-small cell lung cancer caused by a chromosomal rearrangement.
In the Lab
Pictured: Scott Lowe
Researchers Uncover Potential Target for “Undruggable” Form of Liver Cancer
In taking a new approach to finding treatments for hepatocellular carcinoma, MSK scientists have uncovered a potential drug target for this highly aggressive cancer.
In the Lab
Pictured: Johanna Joyce
Researchers Find Clues to How Breast Cancer Can Infiltrate the Brain
A new study sheds light on what enables breast cancer cells to spread to the brain and presents a potential target for drugs.