Sébastien Monette, DMV, MVSc

Head, Genetically Modified Animal Phenotyping Core
Genetically Modified Animal (GMA) Phenotyping

Sébastien Monette, DMV, MVSc

Head, Genetically Modified Animal Phenotyping Core

Dr. Monette is a Comparative Pathologist and the Head of Anatomic Pathology for the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology and the Genetically Modified Animal Phenotyping Service. He holds faculty appointments as a Laboratory Member in Sloan Kettering Institute’s Cancer Biology and Genetics Program, and as an Assistant Professor of Comparative Pathology at Weill Cornell Medicine. He received his veterinary degree from the Université de Montréal and completed a residency program and master’s degree in veterinary anatomic pathology at the University of Saskatchewan. He has been a diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists since 2003. Prior to joining the Laboratory of Comparative Pathology in 2008 Dr. Monette worked as a pathologist at The Animal Medical Center in New York. His research interests have included the analysis of pathological phenotypes of new genetically engineered animal models, the radiologic-pathologic correlation of novel minimally invasive tumor ablation modalities, and the discovery and characterization of naturally occurring pathogens in research animals, with a focus on Mouse Kidney Parvovirus.


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MSK requires doctors and faculty members to report (“disclose”) the relationships and financial interests they have with external entities. As a commitment to transparency with our community, we make that information available to the public.

Sébastien Monette discloses the following relationships and financial interests:

  • Advanced Cell Diagnostics, Inc.
    Professional Services and Activities (Uncompensated)
  • Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.

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This page and data include information for a specific MSK annual disclosure period (January 1, 2023 through disclosure submission in spring 2024). This data reflects interests that may or may not still exist. This data is updated annually.

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