We’ve gathered valuable insights and resources to help benefits leaders understand how MSK Direct provides value to employees, members, and their loved ones impacted by cancer. You’ll find life-changing patient stories, key insights into MSK’s early screening and prevention advances, discussions on addressing access disparities, and much more.
Dr. James Robinson advises benefits leaders to be targeted in how new technology and screening tools are used, and to holistically examine the patient journey to evaluate the cost benefit.
A robust panel discussion on the adoption of cost-effective cancer care models. Looking at the entire cancer journey and engaging patients longitudinally are key success factors.
MSK’s Center for Young Onset Colorectal and Gastrointestinal Cancers, Co-Director, Dr. Robin Mendelsohn presents an in-depth overview on colorectal cancer risk factors, including family history and dietary habits, and how colorectal cancer screening can help find the disease early when it is most curable.
MSK's Department of Radiology discuss breast cancer awareness, being proactive about your breast health, and the importance of annual screening mammograms.