Sloan Kettering Institute Scientists Retool CAR T Cells to Serve as ‘Micropharmacies’ for Cancer Drugs
These souped-up versions may help overcome some limitations of existing CAR T cells.

Science Spotlight: Experience the Drug Discovery Journey with Derek Tan, PhD
The June 15 edition of “MSK Science Spotlight,” features Derek Tan, PhD discussing “A Drug Discovery Journey from Tuberculosis to Cancer.”
In the Lab

New Chemical Biology Program Brings Power of Chemistry to Biomedical Research
A new Sloan Kettering Institute program will enhance the use of chemical principles to investigate biological processes.

Taking Clues from Nature for the Development of New Drugs
In this Q&A, Memorial Sloan Kettering chemist Derek Tan discusses why natural products offer inspiration for the development of new drugs.

At Work: Chemist Derek Tan
Chemist Derek Tan creates small molecules to probe biological processes and investigate new therapeutic targets for cancer.