Retinoblastoma Survivor Study: Assessment of General Health and Quality of Life


Full Title

Retinoblastoma Survivor Study: Assessment of General Health and Quality of Life


Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the eye that arises in young children. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the quality of life and health of adults who had retinoblastoma when they were children. Quality of life refers to how satisfied people are with things in their lives, including their physical health, emotional health, and ability to carry out daily activities. Participants will complete a questionnaire about their health and quality of life.

Researchers hope that this information will help healthcare providers offer better care to future children with retinoblastoma and better follow-up care for survivors of retinoblastoma.

Who Can Join

This study includes adults age 18 and older who were diagnosed with retinoblastoma as children.

For more information about this study, please contact Dr. Ira Dunkel at 212-639-2153.




Diseases ID
