Sarcandra glabra

Purported Benefits, Side Effects & More
This information describes the common uses of Sarcandra glabra, how it works, and its possible side effects.
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What is it?

Sarcandra glabra has not been shown to treat cancer in humans. It may reduce side effects from radiation treatment, but further studies are needed to confirm these effects.

S. glabra is an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine for bone and joint pain as well as bleeding disorders. It may help to reduce the side effects of radiation therapy, such as mouth sores and dry mouth. An extract of this herb was examined in the lab and is claimed to stop cancer cells from multiplying. However, this effect has not been studied in humans. Long-term adverse effects are unclear.

What are the potential uses and benefits?

  • Cancer
    Lab studies suggest that an extract of S. glabra can stop cancer cell division, but human data are lacking.
  • Radiation treatment side effects
    A small observational study reported that a special preparation of S. glabra can help reduce mouth sores and dry mouth from radiation therapy. Additional studies are needed.
  • Bleeding disorders
    Lab and animal studies suggest S. glabra can improve platelet count after chemotherapy, but this has not been studied in humans.
  • Bone fractures and arthritis
    Although S. glabra has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for this purpose, clinical studies have not been conducted in humans.