Clinical Translational Research Training Program Application


Complete applications should be submitted electronically via Microsoft Teams. For the application link, please contact the K12 program manager via email: [email protected]

The application should conform to NIH guidelines with respect to formatting (e.g. font size and margins).

Completed applications should include the following:

  • Completed online application, and abstract, and mentor biosketches (Due January 11, 2023) – Contact [email protected] for the link
  • A full curriculum vitae (not an NIH biosketch)
  • A 1-page career plan from the applicant demonstrating a commitment to academic translational research and how the K12 program will help the applicant achieve this goal.
  • A research proposal (limit to 6 pages) including:
    • Abstract and specific aims (1 page) (Due January 11, 2023)
    • Research Strategy (5 pages)
      • Significance
      • Innovation
      • Preliminary studies
      • Approach
      • Impact statement
    • Literature cited, figures, and information regarding human subjects research and vertebrate animal research (these items are NOT included in the 6-page limit).
  • A Department Chair Commitment Form addressing:
    • The department’s assurance of at least 70-80% protected time (50% for surgeons) for research as a K12 scholar and commitment to cover the portion of the scholar’s salary not supported by the K12. On average scholars should expect to receive approximately $76,000 in annual salary support from the K12 award ($100,000 with fringe), depending on the yearly K12 budget. (MSK applicants only).
    • If the applicant is a senior fellow, the department’s assurance that the applicant will be promoted to a junior level faculty position, with clinical privileges, by the end of their second year in the program. (MSK applicants only).
    • Applicants from institutions outside of MSK will be required initially to submit a letter from the respective Department Chair at their current institution regarding the applicant’s prospect for developing into an independently funded academic translational cancer investigator.
  • Letters of recommendation from both the applicant’s primary mentor, including statements of commitment to the applicant, as well as a summary of the mentor’s planned training program and experience mentoring others.
  • External applicants should establish relationships with the proposed mentors prior to submission of the K12 Career Development application. External applicants should contact these mentors well in advance of the application deadline. For assistance identifying mentors, please contact the program administrator at [email protected].

The criteria for selecting scholars will be based on the selection committee’s assessment of the candidate’s potential, the scientific merit and feasibility of the applicant’s research proposal, and the submitted letter of recommendation. Applications from women and minorities are strongly encouraged.

Dates and Deadlines

Complete applications should be submitted electronically via Microsoft Teams. For the application link, please contact the K12 program manager via email: [email protected]

  • Submit online application, abstract, and mentor biosketches: January 11, 2023
  • Submit remaining application material: February 8, 2023 at 5:00 p.m.
  • Notification of award: Early April, 2023
  • Appointment start date: September 1, 2023

For more information about the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center K12 Paul Calabresi Career Development Award for Clinical Oncology and/or the application process, please email: [email protected]