Bing Zhai
Bing’s hometown is Shijiazhuang which is about 3 hours’ drive away from Beijing. The day before the Beijing Olympic opening ceremony, she moved to the U.S. to pursue her PhD at Texas A&M University. Bing’s PhD work focused on novel antifungal drug development and the impact of yeast-hyphal transition during Cryptococcus infection. Her research interests always favor host/clinic-related studies. Therefore, after graduate school, she made another big move from the wild Midwest to New York City. At MSKCC, Bing fully embraced the valuable recourse from the hospital to study the impact of GI-tract commensal fungi during hematopoietic cell transplant procedure. She was fascinated by the dynamics of the fungal compartment of commensal microbes. Beyond research, Bing is a theatergoer. She is also a good cook; her colleagues love her homemade dumplings during every Chinese New Year.