
Purported Benefits, Side Effects & More

This information describes the common uses of Beta-elemene, how it works, and its possible side effects.
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What is it?

Beta-elemene has shown anticancer activity in laboratory studies. More research is needed to study its effects in humans.

Beta-elemene is a compound found in plants such as celery, mint, and in many others used in traditional medicine. Although the pure form is not used as dietary supplement, some cancer patients use herbs high in beta-elemene as treatment. Beta-elemene was shown to prevent growth of cancer cells in laboratory cells by different mechanisms. A few poorly designed studies done in humans showed that it may improve quality of life in cancer patients. It is unclear if raw herbs containing beta-elemene have the same effects in humans. More research is needed.

What are the potential uses and benefits?

  • Cancer Treatment
    Laboratory studies indicate that beta-elemene can stop the growth of cancer cells. A few studies have been done in humans but the results are not reliable. Larger, well designed clinical trials are needed.

What are the side effects?

  • Beta-elemene was found to inhibit human sperm function by affecting sperm vitality, in vitro. Clinical significance is not known.