Sarath Vijayan, PhD (2nd Year Clinical)
Dr. Sarath Vijayan obtained his doctoral degree in medical physics from University at Buffalo The State University of New York. He joined Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Physics Residency program in 2018. His doctoral research centered on determination of patient radiation dose, development of a real-time Dose Tracking System for interventional fluoroscopic procedures and characterizing high resolution x-ray systems for neuro-endovascular image guided interventional procedures.

Xiuxiu He, PhD (2nd Year Research)
Sheng Huang, PhD (2nd Year Clinical)
Dr. Sheng Huang earned his PhD degree in nuclear engineering from Peking University. He received his postdoctoral training in medical physics from the Department of Radiation Oncology at University of Pennsylvania. Dr Huang then joined the Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Physics Residency program in 2018. Over the years, he has conducted productive research on Monte Carlo dose calculation and motion management for pencil beam scanning proton therapy.
Sang Kyu Lee, PhD (2nd Year Clinical)
Sangkyu Lee graduated from the McGill University with a PhD degree in medical physics and entered Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Medical Physics Residency program in July 2016. At MSK, he has been conducting research under the supervision of Joseph O. Deasy and Jung Hun Oh. Dr. Lee is studying genetic variations using machine learning techniques in relation to risks to radiotherapy toxicity.
Lei Zhang, PhD (2nd Year Clinical)
Originally from China, Lei Zhang holds a bachelor’s degree in materials physics. She later obtained her Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where her thesis focused on development of a nanotechnology-based radiotherapy system and its application in microbeam radiation therapy for brain cancer treatment. Dr. Zhang joined Memorial Sloan Kettering’s Medical Physics Residency program in 2016 and has since been working on real-time tumor tracking using couch and MLC compensation.
Peter Klages, PhD (1st year Clinical)
Peter Klages earned his PhD in Physics from Dalhousie University in Halifax, Canada, in 2012. He has been interested in accelerated GPU computing since his PhD subproject on digital in-line holography. His first postdoctoral role at the University of Toronto and working with IBM Canada was focused on GPU and FPGA algorithms for the new radio telescope array, the Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment, CHIME, located in BC, Canada. In his second postdoctoral research role, Dr. Klages started his Medical Physics research at UTSW in Dallas, working on automating high dose rate brachytherapy planning for cylinder, and tandem and ovoid applicators. Dr. Klages joined Memorial Sloan Kettering at the end of 2017, where he is now researching synthetic CT generation and deep learning for Medical Physics research problems.

Wei Zhao, PhD (1st Year Clinical)
Dylan Hsu, PhD (1st Research)
Dr. Dylan Hsu was born steps away at Lenox Hill Hospital. He earned his Ph.D from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in experimental high-energy physics, studying the production of Z bosons and dark matter in proton collisions with center-of-mass energy 13 tera electron-volts. He joined the residency program in 2019. His current research concerns the automatic detection and longitudinal tracking of metastatic brain lesions using deep-learning techniques.

Donghoon Lee, PhD (1st Clinical)
Donghoon Lee obtained his doctoral degree in Radiation Convergence Engineering from Yonsei University, South Korea, in 2019. During his doctor degree, he has researched on digital tomosynthesis, dual energy X-ray imaging and deep learning in medical imaging. He joined Memorial Sloan Kettering Medical Physics Residency program at end of 2019 and working on longitudinal prediction of parotid gland anatomical changes during the radiation treatment by deep learning.

Songye, Cui, PhD (1st Research)