Podcast Feeds
Podcast feeds are a way to browse audio/video Web content with software that you download free of charge. This software is called a reader, or an RSS reader, since feeds use a technology called RSS (Real Simple Syndication). Your reader alerts you to new Web content by displaying the title of the page, a brief summary of its contents, and a link to the full audio/video content. This allows you to browse audio/video content from multiple Web sites within your reader, rather than visiting each site individually.
You can subscribe to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center podcasts directly from iTunes or by selecting a Web-based Reader from our Feedburner.com feed.
Subscribing to podcast feeds is easy.
To subscribe:
Click (or control-click for Mac users) on the small, rectangular orange icon with the label “RSS,” shown below.
- You will be directed to http://feeds.mskcc.org/mskcc/cancersmart, shown below.
To subscribe in iTunes:
Click (or control-click for Mac users) on the small, blue music note icon with the label “iTunes,” shown below.
You will be directed to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center’s CancerSmart podcast page in iTunes, shown below.