Developmental Research Program

John Leonard, MD

The DRP Committee is responsible for the initial review and ranking of all proposed DRP applications. Detailed review and selection criteria are provided in the DRP Section of the SPORE. The SPORE Executive Committee will finalize the selection based on scientific merit, innovation, and programmatic needs. The PIs of funded DRP applications will be required to present progress report at least every 6 months at the monthly SPORE scientific and working group meeting. Funded DRPs will be reviewed annually during the IAB/EAB meeting. The evaluation process will result in one of the following outcomes: 1) continued funding for meritorious projects for an additional year; 2) discontinuation of funding, 3) recommendation to become a full SPORE project. Recommendations from the EAB will be ratified by a majority vote of the Executive Committee members. An important measure of success will be incorporation of a Developmental Project into a SPORE project, becoming a full SPORE project, securing external peer-reviewed funding, and outstanding publication record.

Career Enhancement Program

Riccardo Dalla-Favera, MD
Andrew Zelenetz, MD, PhD

The Career Enhancement Program (CEP) Committee is responsible for the initial review and ranking of all proposed CEP applications. The SPORE Executive Committee will finalize the selection based on scientific merit, innovation, mentorship plans, and programmatic needs (Full description is provided in the CEP Section of the SPORE). The recipients of CEP awards will be required to present progress reports at least every 6 months at the monthly SPORE scientific and working group meeting. Funded CEP applications will be reviewed annually during the IAB/EAB meetings. The evaluation process will include its ability to recruit and train investigators who will continue to contribute to translational lymphoma research, participation of CEP awardees in SPORE projects, publication of translational lymphoma research in peer-reviewed journals, and securing external peer-reviewed funding. More details are provided in the description of the CEP.