Gopa Iyer, MD

Assistant Attending, Genitourinary Oncology Service
Gopa Iyer, MD

Office Phone

646-422-4362 (for patient-related questions only)

Lab Phone

646-888-2649 (for non-clinical issues only)

My laboratory research focuses on defining the genetic aberrations that characterize bladder cancer, thereby identifying mutations that may serve as targets for novel therapies in this disease. Specifically, alterations within the PI3 kinase/Akt/mTOR pathway are commonly found in bladder cancer, and efforts are under way to understand the biologic effects of pharmacologic inhibition of this pathway. Loss of the TSC1 protein, a negative regulator of mTOR activation, has been shown to contribute to dramatic sensitivity of bladder tumors to everolimus therapy. We are currently elucidating the mechanisms underpinning drug sensitivity and are defining the pattern of co-alterations with TSC1 loss in bladder cancer using next-generation sequencing techniques.


Doctors and faculty members often work with pharmaceutical, device, biotechnology, and life sciences companies, and other organizations outside of MSK, to find safe and effective cancer treatments, to improve patient care, and to educate the health care community.

MSK requires doctors and faculty members to report (“disclose”) the relationships and financial interests they have with external entities. As a commitment to transparency with our community, we make that information available to the public.

Gopa Iyer discloses the following relationships and financial interests:

  • Aadi Bioscience, Inc.
    Professional Services and Activities
  • Bicycle Therapeutics Inc.
    Professional Services and Activities
  • Carden Jennings Publishing
    Professional Services and Activities
  • Curio Science LLC
    Professional Services and Activities
  • Dava Oncology
    Professional Services and Activities (Uncompensated)
  • EMD Serono, Inc
    Professional Services and Activities
  • Flare Therapeutics
    Professional Services and Activities (Uncompensated)
  • Loxo Oncology
    Professional Services and Activities (Uncompensated)

The information published here is a complement to other publicly reported data and is for a specific annual disclosure period. There may be differences between information on this and other public sites as a result of different reporting periods and/or the various ways relationships and financial interests are categorized by organizations that publish such data.

This page and data include information for a specific MSK annual disclosure period (January 1, 2023 through disclosure submission in spring 2024). This data reflects interests that may or may not still exist. This data is updated annually.

Learn more about MSK’s COI policies here. For questions regarding MSK’s COI-related policies and procedures, email MSK’s Compliance Office at [email protected].

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