Here you can find a continually updated listing of Memorial Sloan Kettering’s current clinical trials related to speech and hearing. To learn more about a study, choose from the list below. Search by keywords: and/or Trial phase: - Any -Pilot (small research study)Phase I (phase 1)Phase I/II (phases 1 and 2 combined)Phase II (phase 2)Phase II/III (phases 2 and 3 combined)Phase III (phase 3)Phase IV (phase 4)N/APhase III/IV (phases 3 and 4 combined)Phase 0 (very small research study) 1 Clinical Trials found A Phase 2 Study of Aerobic Training for People Receiving Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer Diseases: Breast Cancer, Quality of Life, Rehabilitation Locations: New York City, Commack Nonna’s Garden Foundation Center, Basking Ridge, Westchester, Monmouth, Bergen, Nassau Who Can Join Jessica Scott