An Introduction to the Graft-Versus-Host Disease (GVHD) Clinic

Time to Read: About 2 minutes

This information will help you learn about the GVHD clinic. It also explains what to expect before, during, and after your visit.

Your GVHD Clinic Care Team

The clinicians in the GVHD clinic specialize in caring for people with acute GVHD, chronic GVHD, or both. Your GVHD clinic care team includes experts in:

  • Pediatric and adult bone marrow transplants
  • Dermatology
  • Dentistry
  • Rehabilitation medicine
  • Physical therapy
  • Nutrition
  • Nursing
  • Social work

We also offer other services as needed.

To talk with your GVHD clinic care team before or after your visit, send us a message through MSK MyChart. You can also call our office at 646-608-3739.

What to Do Before Your Visit

  • We’ll send links to 2 questionnaires to your MSK MyChart account. Please fill them out before your visit.
    • The quality of life questionnaire will help us learn about your symptoms.
    • The skin questionnaire will help us learn how GVHD has affected your skin.
  • Fill out the Food and Drink Journal your care team gives you. You can also find it at the end of the print version of this resource.
  • If you’re having a telemedicine visit, take photos of yourself so we can check your skin, mouth, and joints. Follow the instructions in How to Take Pictures Showing Your Skin, Range of Motion, and Mouth Send us your photos through MSK MyChart. (If your visit will be in person, you don’t need to do this. We’ll take the photos during your visit.)

On the day of your visit:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothes. This makes it easier for us to check your skin and see how your joints move.
  • Have any important information handy. If your visit is in person, bring it with you. If you’re having a telemedicine visit, make sure it’s nearby.
  • If you’re having a telemedicine visit, choose a quiet place with good light. Read for more tips for a successful telemedicine visit.

What to Expect During Your Visit

  • You’ll meet with one of our nurses. They’ll ask you about your GVHD symptoms and the medications you’re talking. They’ll also ask you about support services you might find helpful, such as meeting with a social worker.
  • You’ll meet with one or more of our specialists. Our team has more than 10 members. The specialist(s) you see depends on your symptoms and current needs.
  • You’ll meet with our nutritionist. They’ll go over your Food and Drink Journal with you. They’ll also talk with you about your diet and nutrition.

What to Expect After Your Visit

  • You’ll meet with one of our nurses. They’ll talk with you about what happened during your visit and review the specialist(s)’ recommendations. If the specialist(s) you met with prescribed medications, they’ll give you instructions for taking them.
  • You’ll have help from a social worker, if needed.
  • We’ll contact your local oncologist (cancer doctor), if needed.

We’ll schedule a follow-up visit if you need one either in person or as a telemedicine visit. This will let us watch for changes in your GVHD and quality of life, and check how you’re feeling.

Food and Drink Journal

It’s best to choose a day to record everything you eat and drink. If you can’t, try to remember everything you’ve had to eat and drink in the last 24 hours.

If your visit will be in person, bring your completed food and drink journal with you.

If you’re having a telemedicine visit, use MSK MyChart to send us your completed food and drink journal before your visit.

  • If you filled out your Food and Drink Journal on your computer, save the file. Attach the file to your MSK MyChart message.
  • If you filled out your Food and Drink Journal on paper, take a picture of it. Attach the picture to your MSK MyChart message.

Last Updated

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

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