Learn how to get started in a Remote Monitoring program at MSK. Remote Monitoring allows your MSK provider to check on you and track your progress without you having to come into the office.
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As part of your care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, your healthcare provider may recommend that you participate in one of our remote monitoring programs.
Here’s how it works. In most cases, you will borrow a device from MSK. This might be a pulse oximeter, which measures the amount of oxygen in your blood, a blood pressure monitor, or something else.
You will download MSK’s Remote Monitoring App and log in using the same username and password you use for MSK MyChart.
Then you will connect your health monitoring device to your smartphone to take health readings, and send them directly to your provider.
Remote Monitoring allows your MSK provider to check on you and track your progress without you having to come into the office.
We will provide you with instructions about how to use your health monitoring device, how to connect it to your smartphone, and more.
If you need help with setup, you can ask someone from your provider’s office for help.
With MSK's Remote Monitoring app, participating in a remote monitoring program is easy. Talk to your MSK provider today about enrolling!