Information Session

Lung Cancer and Lung Health

In a patient information session, a panel of MSK experts addressed your most pressing concerns and answered your questions about lung cancer, screening, and general lung health.

Session Highlights

Audio | 00:21
Evolving Lung Cancer Treatment Options: Immunotherapy and Targeted Therapy
MSK expert Helena Yu explains the role of immunotherapy and targeted therapy for lung cancer patients.
Audio | 00:01:06
David Jones, MD
What is Proton Therapy for Lung Cancer?
What is Proton Therapy for Lung Cancer?
Audio | 00:45
Bernard Park, MD
What is robotic bronchoscopy?
Listen to MSK expert Bernard Park explain the advantages of bronchoscopy for lung cancer screening.
Audio | 00:35
Bernard Park, MD
What is lung sparing surgery? Is it done at MSK?
Thoracic surgeon Bernard Park talks about the benefits of lung-sparing surgery for lung cancer patients.
Audio | 01:25
Bernard Park, MD
Who is eligible for lung cancer screening?
Listen to lung cancer surgeon Bernard Park explain MSK’s lung cancer screening process.
Audio | 00:30
Audio | 00:44
Jamie Ostroff, PhD
Vaping to Quit Smoking
Hear MSK psychologist Jamie Ostroff examine whether vaping helps smokers quit.
Audio | 00:49
Jamie Ostroff, PhD
Is vaping better than smoking?
Listen to MSK psychologist Jamie Ostroff discuss the difference between vaping and smoking.
Audio | 01:36
Tobias Hohl, MD, PhD
Lung Cancer and Coronavirus
Hear MSK expert Tobias Hohl discuss the effects of coronavirus on lung cancer patients.
Meet the Panel

David Jones(Moderator)
Chief, Thoracic Service

Bernard Park

Bernard Park
Deputy Chief of Clinical Affairs, Thoracic Service

Helena Yu

Helena Yu
Medical Oncologist

Schedule an appointment.
Speak with a Care Advisor at 800-525-2225