Sarcoma-Specific Death After Surgery


Our postoperative sarcoma-specific death nomogram is a tool designed to predict the likelihood of dying from soft tissue sarcoma four years, eight years, and 12 years after surgical treatment for the disease.

Results produced by this tool are based on data from patients treated at MSK, a large research institution with surgeons who perform a high volume of sarcoma procedures. All results must be understood in the context of each patient’s specific treatment plan. Patients and caregivers using this tool should discuss the result with the patient’s physician.

To gather the information required to use this nomogram, use our worksheet.

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years (10 to 99)
Note: The depth of the tumor is categorized as either superficial or deep relative to the investing fascia. Depth is considered deep if it involves the superficial fascia or the underlying muscle.
What is fascia?
Fascia refers to a sheet of connective tissue surrounding and binding together body structures, such as muscles, blood vessels, and nerves. The superficial fascia lies under the skin and superficial fat layers and surrounds and binds together the underlying muscles.
What is grade?
Tumor grade refers to the extent of abnormality of the cells when viewed under the microscope. “Low-grade” cells look normal and grow slowly; “high-grade” cells look abnormal and grow more quickly than low-grade cells.
What is histology?
Histology refers to the exact type of cancer based on examination of the tumor tissue under the microscope.
Note: A tumor is considered to be in the upper extremity if it is in the hand, arm, or shoulder joint, and it is considered to be in the lower extremity if it is in the foot, leg, or groin. A thoracic/trunk tumor is one in the chest, abdominal wall, or upper back. A visceral tumor involves the mesentery of the stomach or intestines. A retro/intra-abdominal tumor is located in the abdominal cavity or the retroperitoneal or pelvic space.

Supporting Publications

Sarcoma-Specific Death After Surgery

Probability of not surviving to 12 years after surgical treatment for soft tissue sarcoma

Source publication listed first, followed by selected external validation studies