Computational Biology/Cancer Bioinformatics Positions

Computational Biology/Cancer Bioinformatics Positions


The Bakhoum Lab is seeking candidates with a strong background in computational biology and cancer bioinformatics. These positions can be at the level of a postdoctoral fellow or a staff scientist. Projects will involve next-generation sequencing, transcriptomic and epigenomic analyses, as well as single-cell genomics. Candidates should hold a Ph.D., M.D., or an equivalent doctoral degree. All applications should be sent to [email protected] and include the following items merged as a single-PDF file:

Application Requirements

  • Cover letter (3-page maximum) indicating current and future research interests and expected availability dates;
  • A concise list of computational skills and how they were applied toward prior research questions. 
  • CV (curriculum vitae);
  • Reprints of up to two publications; 
  • Name of three references