Glioma Signs and Symptoms

Glioma Signs and Symptoms

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Signs and symptoms of a glioma tend to develop when the tumor pushes on, or even damages, healthy brain tissue. The area around the tumor then swells. Sometimes the tumor gets in the way of the normal flow of fluid around the brain and spinal cord.

The symptoms often relate to where in the brain the tumor develops. These symptoms may be caused by something other than a glioma, but it’s important to have them checked out by a doctor.


Headaches are a common symptom in people who have a glioma. About half of people with a glioma experience this symptom. For people with a glioblastoma, the headaches can be severe and are typically worse in the morning.


People with a glioma, especially an astrocytoma, often have seizures as an early sign of the condition.

Nausea and Vomiting

Nausea and vomiting can be caused by the tumor putting increased pressure on the brain.

Decline in Brain Function

This can include confusion, memory loss, or problems speaking or expressing oneself.

Weakness or Problems Moving

People may have physical weakness on one side of the body, problems with balance, or difficulty walking.

Vision Problems

Gliomas can impair vision. This can cause a restricted field of vision, which means not being able to see to the right or the left as well as usual.

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