Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Analytical): Overview

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (Analytical): Overview


We currently have the following instrumentation:

  • High Field NMR Spectroscopy: Two Bruker 500 and one 600 MHz Spectrometers for liquids with BBO, TXO (13C&19F/1H), BBI, QNP (13C|31P|19F/1H), HRMAS (13C/1H), 1mm TXI and DCH (13C/1H) cryoprobe
  • Mass Spectrometry: Several instruments with varying capabilities. Mass instruments include single quadrupole, and TOF. Capabilities include direct inject, LC-MS, exact mass. Ionization is ESI; APCI is available. LC-MS capability include HPLC, UPLC, SFC, analytical and prep, automatic sample injectors, collectors and ELSD, PDA and UV-Vis detection.
  • Spectroscopic instruments: Polarimetry with multi wavelength capability, UV-Vis and FTIR.

NMR is a powerful analytical technique, which is used to determine the number, location, and attachment of NMR active nuclei within molecules. The information obtained may be used to determine molecular structure, purity, reaction progress, kinetics, metabolic products and quantitation.

The NMR instruments in our facility routinely analyze small molecule proton, carbon, fluorine, and phosphorous nuclei of solvated compounds. Other nuclei detection are also available. Solids, peptides/proteins and large molecule may be sent to NYSBC.

Mass spectrometry determines the molecular mass of compounds and their fragments. Most of our instruments ionize via electrospray or APCI. Both techniques provide very gentle ionization of the molecule and often generate information about the base peak with little fragmentation, which is of primary interest for most chemists. The facility routinely analyzes compounds up to 6,000 AMU.

Send an email to the core head for more information. Generally first time requests need to submitted via iLab. Further submissions of samples entail submission of the appropriate request forms (available at the facility) along with the compounds of interest in appropriate containers. Please find out requirements first before submitting samples.