Hedvig Hricak, MD, PhD
Chair, Department of Radiology
Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair
Steven M. Larson, MD
Chief, Nuclear Medicine Service
Acting Chief, Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Service
Ronald Blasberg, MD
Neuro-Oncology Lab
Department of Neurology
John Humm, PhD
Chief, Nuclear Imaging Physics
Department of Medical Physics
Jason A. Koutcher, MD, PhD
Chief, MR Small Animal Imaging Lab
Department of Medical Physics
Vladimir Ponomarev, MD
Molecular Imaging Lab
Department of Radiology
Michel Sadelain, MD, PhD
Director, Gene Transfer and Somatic Cell Engineering Facility
Department of Medicine
David Scheinberg, MD, PhD
Chair, Molecular Pathology and Chemistry Program
Pat Zanzonico, PhD
Nuclear Medicine Small Animal Imaging Lab
Department of Medical Physics