How We Partner with You

How We Partner with You


In partnership with you — the medical student, oncology fellow, nurse, physician, technician, or other professional in training or practice  — we’re discovering more about the pathogenesis of cancer and allied diseases every day, finding better treatment options and cures for people with all forms of the illness. In fact, collaboration is key to everything we do, and we’re dedicated to making our ties with our colleagues outside MSK even stronger.

Referring physicians can take advantage of the information we offer on survivorship care plans as well as prediction tools and a database of our active clinical trials. You can also use our physician directory to search for a doctor by name or specialty, or give our physician referral specialists a call.

To prepare the next generation of healthcare professionals to carry out groundbreaking work and lead the field of oncology, we offer world-class training and education for fellows, residents, and medical students as well as several allied health training programs. If you’re a physician looking to acquire new skills or experiences, you can do so through our Continuing Medical Education programs, or if you don’t have the time to attend a CME event, read the clinical updates written by our faculty so you can stay on top of the latest oncology advances.

For healthcare professionals, we offer personalized half-day and daylong workshops to give you the opportunity to learn from MSK experts on the topics of your choosing.

One of the many ways we’re seeking to transform cancer care is through the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Alliance. The MSK Alliance is an initiative designed to collaboratively guide community providers toward state-of-the-art cancer care. Our overarching goal is to improve the lives of cancer patients through dynamic partnerships with local care providers.