MSK Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Consulting

MSK Evidence-based Practice (EBP) Consulting

MSK's Evidence-based Practice (EBP) is a problem-solving methodology

Launched in 2021, MSK’s EBP program has more than 50 experienced mentors and over 60 EBP-focused projects underway.

Meet MSK EBP Consulting

Evidence-based Practice (EBP) is a problem-solving methodology that uses current and best evidence from studies—combined with patient care data, clinician expertise, and patient preferences—to guide healthcare practices and decisions, while maximizing alignment with an organization’s values, mission, and commitment to excellence.

MSK EBP Consulting was launched in 2024 as an expansion of our Nursing Department’s successful experience with this best-practice methodology. Our professionals have seen first-hand how much value EBP can bring to a healthcare organization and the patients it serves. Here at MSK, we are committed to broadening its use at hospitals and other healthcare institutions across the globe.

With extensive educational training and practical experience in EBP, our consultants are prepared to help organizations adopt and utilize MSK’s proprietary EBP methodology, including the SEEK™ method, whose potential benefits include:

  • Empowering clinical nurses and other healthcare professionals,
  • Promoting effective problem-solving,
  • Improving patient and process outcomes, and
  • Aligning clinical decision-making with institutional values and a commitment to excellence.

MSK EBP Consulting offers a clear and validated infrastructure to help our partners achieve these essential goals, by operationalizing and enculturating EBP throughout their healthcare organizations.

We are ready to work with you. Let us help you bring EBP to your institution—and fully realize its potential. MSK EBP Consulting offers:

  • Classes and consultations provided virtually via Zoom—an easy, economical, and convenient way to receive our services.
  • A range of consulting packages to suit each institution’s specific situation and needs.
  • Educational content, format, and materials, all developed and validated at MSK, that you can continue to use to teach and sustain EBP at your institution.

Learn more about our Education & Consulting Services.

Contact Us

For more information, contact Ashley Hole, DNP, FNP-BC, CPON®, EBP-C, Program Manager, Evidence-based Practice, MSK, at [email protected].

To license EBP Consulting Services: Contact Kiana Williams, JD, MBA, Digital Ventures Lead, Office of Technology Development, MSK, at [email protected]