High Risk Tobacco-Related Cancers

High Risk Tobacco-Related Cancers


Associate Director: Bernard Park
Scientific/Operational Lead: James Isbell
Operational Lead: Kelly Clarke

Project Description: The US Preventive Services Task Force recommends annual screening for lung cancer with low-dose CT in adults age 50 to 80 years who have a 20-pack-a-year smoking history. This includes people who currently smoke and those who have quit within the past 15 years.

This effort will focus on screening people who have a dense smoking history. The aim is to build a group of 1,000 people without cancer. This group will be the focus of research to identify molecular or therapeutic approaches for the early detection of cancer. We will also conduct behavioral research on smoking cessation, prevention, and the psychosocial impact of smoking.

A parallel effort will attempt to identify molecular and other risk factors that warrant earlier interventions. We will also study the best way to follow up with people after screening. Moreover, there will be an additional focus on incorporating other risk factors to identify more groups that warrant low-dose CT screening. Our efforts will also focus on lowering the high false positive rates that are currently seen with these tests.