The leadership and executive committee of the Sarcoma Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering work together to ensure timely progress toward the center’s translational research goals and to help investigators overcome logistical challenges.

Director, Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology

Co-Director, Sarcoma Translational Research, MSK Sarcoma Center

Chief, Sarcoma Medical Oncology Service

Chief, Gastric and Mixed Tumor Service; Vincent Astor Chair of Clinical Research and Director, Sarcoma Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering
Scientific Leads (AS)

Director, Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology

Co-Director, Sarcoma Translational Research, MSK Sarcoma Center
Scientific Leads (EHE)

Director, Soft Tissue and Bone Pathology

Chief, Sarcoma Medical Oncology Service

Assistant Attending Physician
Executive Committee

Director, Gynecologic Radiation Oncology; Director, Sarcoma Radiation Oncology

Stephen McDermott Chair in Surgery

Carroll and Milton Petrie Chair

Chair, Department of Pediatrics; Lila Acheson Wallace Chair for Pediatric Research
International Patient Outreach Program

Benno C. Schmidt Chair of Clinical Oncology; Chairman Emeritus, Department of Surgery
Pediatric and Adult Clinical Trials Unit

Vice Chair for Clinical Research

Chief, Sarcoma Medical Oncology Service

Robbins Family Chair in Pediatrics