Bold Discovery.
Life-Changing Care.
MSK 2021 Annual Report

Radiopharmacist Scott Vietri and Cyclotron Engineer Sherron Hicks prepare a drug with a radioactive element that seeks out hidden cancer cells and destroys them.
MSK is an ecosystem of discovery, where the seed of an idea can blossom into a breakthrough.
Our three pillars — patient care, scientific research, and education — supported extraordinary progress in 2021. Learn about just some of our achievements in this Annual Report.

Innovation With Lasting Impact
Our discoveries make history. Our results help patients around the world.

Bridging Gaps in Patient Care
Everyone deserves the best medicine. We reach the patients others may overlook, leading the way for more equitable care.

The People of MSK
There is heart and soul in every hallway. More than 20,000 strong, we are united in our mission.

The Next Generation
Opportunities abound at MSK. Rising stars can innovate. Aspiring scientists from all backgrounds are educated. Our people dream big and give back.

The MSK Donor Community
Every year, hundreds of thousands of generous donors do their part to drive more innovation and save more lives. Our patients are grateful, and so are we.

Messages From the Chairman and the President
MSK 2021 Annual Report
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