FTC Closes Fake Cancer Treatment Center

FTC Closes Fake Cancer Treatment Center


February 25, 2003

The Federal Trade Commission has received an injunction against CSCT, a Canadian-based company that markets “Zoetron Therapy”, an electromagnetic device which it claims can kill cancer cells through a pulsed magnetic field. Despite the fact that there is no evidence that Zoetron does anything to affect the course of cancer, the FTC estimates that about 850 patients have traveled to Tijuana, Mexico to receive the $15,000 treatment. Not only have patients seen no benefit from the treatment, some have even returned to find that their cancer had progressed beyond the point where it can be treated effectively by other means. The Mexico-U.S.-Canada Health Fraud Work Group (MUCH) established in 1994 to help prevent cross-border health fraud is credited with making this effort a success.

(Click here to view the FTC release.)