Many people with breast cancer have surgery to remove the cancer. The type of surgery depends on the type of breast cancer you have and its stage.
Choosing a breast cancer treatment can be confusing. This guide will help you understand your options and get ready to talk with your doctors. Together, you can make the best decisions for your care.
Our breast cancer experts will create a treatment plan just for you, using the latest research and therapies. Your plan will target the type and stage of breast cancer you have. Our goal is to give you the best treatment results.
Treatment for breast cancer can include surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, targeted therapies, immunotherapy, and hormone therapy. You may have 1 of these treatments, or a few treatments together. Your MSK care team will talk with you about the best therapies for you.
Many people with breast cancer have surgery to remove the cancer. The type of surgery depends on the type of breast cancer you have and its stage.
Radiation therapy uses high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells. We use radiation therapy to treat people for many types of breast cancer.
Chemotherapy, hormone therapy, targeted therapies, and immunotherapy are known as systemic therapies. A systemic therapy is a treatment that spreads throughout the body to treat cancer.
We care for every person with kindness, warmth, and respect.
Your care team includes doctors, nurses, and other experts who focus on breast cancer. They work together using the latest science to create a care plan just for you. Your care plan will focus on what matters most to you and what’s best for the cancer you have.
We offer special resources to help you during and after treatment. Your care plan may include nutrition advice, physical therapy, exercise, and mental health support.
Nurses Jasmine Gibson (left) and Margaret Bediones with a patient at MSK’s Ralph Lauren Center.
Many people with cancer prefer to get treatment closer to home. MSK provides excellent cancer care on Long Island and in locations in Westchester County, New Jersey, and New York City. You can meet with your surgeon and have chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and genetic testing.
MSK’s breast cancer experts will work with you to choose a treatment that’s best for you.
Your care team may have a few treatment options to offer you. Treatment is based on the breast cancer type and stage.
Breast medical oncologist Dr. Andrew Seidman is an expert in breast cancer.
If you have breast cancer, you may need to have surgery. Your breast surgeon will talk with you about your options and help you to get ready.
They’ll explain what kind of surgery may be best for you, based on the:
There are 2 main types of surgery to remove breast cancer:
The sentinel nodes are the first few nodes where breast cancer cells may spread to from the breast. To find the sentinel nodes, we inject (put) a small amount of dye into the breast. Then we track the dye to find the sentinel nodes.
We then remove the sentinel nodes, which is called a sentinel lymph node biopsy. This tells us if the cancer has spread from the breast into lymph nodes in the armpit.
For some, but not all, people with breast cancer, we do this procedure at the same time when we remove the cancer. We then send the lymph nodes we removed to a lab to check for cancer cells.
Some people may need to have the sentinel lymph nodes and other lymph nodes removed. This is called an axillary lymph node dissection. Your doctor will decide which lymph node procedure you’ll need.
Understanding Surgery, Radiation, and Reconstruction During Breast Cancer Treatment
Breast surgeon Dr. Tracy-Ann Moo talks about when to choose a lumpectomy or mastectomy. Radiation oncologist Dr. Michael Bernstein explains radiation therapy and its side effects. Plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Michelle Coriddi describes breast reconstruction and preservation methods.
Radiation therapy uses very precise high-energy beams to kill cancer cells. Radiation oncologists are cancer doctors with special training in using radiation to treat cancer.
MSK’s radiation therapy experts deliver radiation just to the breast tumor while keeping nearby healthy tissue safe.
To treat breast cancer, we often use radiation therapy as a treatment:
Radiation therapy aims to kill off breast cancer cells with as few side effects as possible.
We recommend considering your options for breast reconstruction before your surgery. Talk with your care team about how you want to rebuild your breasts. At MSK, our reconstruction experts will help you understand all your options.
Systemic therapies are drugs, such as chemotherapy, that travel through the body to kill cancer cells.
You may have neoadjuvant (NEE-oh-A-joo-vant) therapy, which is treatment you get before breast cancer surgery. Neoadjuvant therapy shrinks tumors so they’re easier to remove during surgery. This type of therapy also can help with treatments after surgery.
You may have adjuvant (A-joo-vunt) therapy, which is treatment you get after breast cancer surgery. It’s used to kill any cancer cells that may be left in your breast or the rest of your body.
Adjuvant therapy can lower the risk of breast cancer coming back or spreading.
Here are some systemic therapies for breast cancer:
Chemotherapy (chemo) is a treatment that uses medicine to stop or slow cancer cells from growing. Chemo puts medicines that target cancer cells into your vein. The medicine travels in your bloodstream to kill cancer cells in the body.
There are many kinds of chemo medicines for breast cancer. Your care team will talk with you about the best options.
Hormone therapy is a treatment for types of breast cancers that need estrogen and other hormones to grow. Hormone therapy stops or slows the growth of cancer by blocking the hormones cancer cells need to grow.
Your doctor can tell you if hormone therapy is right for you. The type of hormone therapy treatment may depend on whether you have gone through menopause. Menopause (MEH-nuh-pawz) is a permanent end of your monthly periods.
Targeted therapies are cancer treatments that target a tumor’s gene changes (mutations or variants). It’s a personal treatment plan just for the type of cancer you have.
Talking about treatment options with your doctor can help you feel confident when making decisions about your care.
Your care team may talk with you about joining a breast cancer clinical trial.
If you join a clinical trial, you may be able to try new drugs to treat your type of breast cancer. Our patients may get a new treatment at MSK years before it’s offered at most other places.
Researchers follow strict rules to make sure all clinical trials are safe. The MSK research team will answer your questions and help you get ready for the trial. We follow your progress and keep you safe every step of the way.
Clinical trials are research studies to test new treatments, procedures, or devices to see how well they work. Every cancer treatment given to a person was first tested in a clinical trial.
Clinical trials can help us learn about a new breast cancer drug, such as:
MSK has one of the country’s largest cancer clinical trials programs. We have more than 50 active clinical trials for new breast cancer treatments. At each MSK site, our research team screens and matches patients to open clinical trials that best fit your treatment needs.
Anyone can join a clinical trial from the very start of treatment, if there’s one that’s right for you.
MSK strongly encourages people from all races, genders, ages, and backgrounds to join clinical trials. It’s very important for research studies to include people from many backgrounds. It’s how our researchers can learn if a new treatment works for everyone, not just one group of people.
sometimes years before they’re available to everyone.
from your expert care team.
for treatments you get during a clinical trial.
Our experts are always finding new ways of treating breast cancer and managing side effects. Explore breast cancer news from MSK.
This patient group has traditionally done poorly, and adding the third drug, inavolisib, really made a big difference,” says medical oncologist Dr. Komal Jhaveri, who helped lead the trial.
At MSK, your care is always a team effort. Our care teams combine the skill and experience of many kinds of breast cancer experts. They work together to give you the best cancer treatment.
Breast medical oncologist Dr. Chau T. Dang (left) is with a patient.
Your care team has special training in how to diagnose and treat breast cancer. Their goal is to support you during and after treatment for breast cancer.
Your care team will include doctors, nurses, and healthcare providers who are experts in breast cancer. They meet often to share treatment ideas, the latest research, and new ways of thinking.
A breast medical oncologist is a doctor with special training in breast cancer.
A breast surgeon is a doctor with special training in surgery on breasts.
A radiation oncologist is a cancer doctor with special training in using radiation therapy (RT) to treat cancer with radiation.
A plastic and reconstructive surgeon is a doctor with special training in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. These procedures restore how a part of the body works and looks.
An APP is a healthcare provider who have special training and works alone or with your doctor to care for you. Nurse practitioners (NPs) and physician assistants (PAs) are examples of APPs.
A mental health professional can be a doctor, nurse practitioner, or a healthcare provider. They have special training in mental, emotional, and behavioral health.
A social worker is a healthcare provider with special training in helping people cope with problems in their lives.
Our Care Advisors will match you with the right breast cancer experts for you.
Medical oncologist Dr. Jasmeet Singh sees breast cancer patients at MSK Westchester.
Cancer treatment affects your body and emotions. The experience is not the same for everyone. We will support you during your treatment.
But you’re also a person with a life beyond cancer. We want to help you get back to it. That’s why we have many programs and services to support you and your loved ones.
You can connect with other people going through cancer treatment in our virtual support groups, led by a social worker.
Or you may need help with side effects of treatment. We have experts with special training in treating pain.
Your caregivers are a very important part of your care team. They need support, too. We have a Caregivers Clinic to help your loved ones cope with cancer.
Our Integrative Medicine Service (also called complementary therapies) offers acupuncture, meditation, massage therapy, yoga, and exercise.
You may want support to cope with side effects of treatment. These may include pain, fatigue (feeling very tired), nerve problems, nausea, insomnia, and stress.
Without using prescription drugs, integrative therapies can help improve and control side effects of cancer treatment.
Integrative medicine services are available in New York City, New Jersey, Westchester, and on Long Island. We also offer virtual classes and workshops.
Pain management is an important part of cancer care. MSK was the first cancer center in the country to have a service just for treating pain in people with cancer.
Our pain experts will help relieve or manage pain after surgery. They can help while you’re still in the hospital, and after you’re home.
We have experts who manage the symptoms and side effects of cancer treatment, such as nausea during chemotherapy.
Our doctors screen for bone density loss, and conditions such as osteopenia and osteoporosis [os-tee-oh-puh-roh-sis]. Many breast cancer treatments can affect bone health.
Before treatment, our bone health experts may measure your bone density.
You may have a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) scan. This is a radiology test to assess your bone density.
A DEXA scan is quick, painless, and uses only a little radiation. It will scan your hips and spine for signs of weaker bones.
This test helps your care team diagnose osteopenia and osteoporosis. These conditions may put you at higher risk for fractures. If you’re at higher risk, our experts will plan ahead to preserve and improve your bone health. They may recommend lifestyle changes or medications.
We offer counseling and support to help you manage anxiety, depression, anger, or loneliness. There are individual and group counseling sessions, both in person and through telemedicine visits. Counseling is open to you and your family, separately or together.
We also run support groups and programs if you want to talk with other people going through a similar experience. Our social workers can offer information about how to talk about your diagnosis with family members, work colleagues, and friends.
Breast cancer treatment can affect your digestion (how your body breaks down the food you eat). It can change your taste, how you eat, and how hungry you are.
Our clinical dietitian nutritionists can help with:
Cancer affects your sex life in both physical and emotional ways. It’s normal to think about how cancer treatment may affect your sex life.
Our Female Sexual Medicine & Women’s Health Program can help. They’re experts in the physical symptoms and emotional challenges that may affect your sex life. We can talk with you about physical changes that affect intimacy.
MSK has experts with special training in female sexual health and fertility. Perhaps you’re trying to have a child or think you may want to start a family someday. We can help you understand your options for having children before and after treatment.
MSK is a place where people of all genders and sexual orientations feel welcome and treated with respect. Our LGBTQI+ Cancer Care Program gives you the support you need during cancer care. It’s for LGBTQI+ people getting screened or treated at MSK, or in our survivorship program.
We believe cancer care needs to be as convenient as possible. We have treatment locations in New York City, Westchester, on Long Island, and in New Jersey.
At our locations, you can meet with your care team and get your breast cancer treatment. MSK brings its expert care closer to you so you can get back home to what matters most.
We’ll guide you about where you can go for check-ups, procedures, or treatments, based on your diagnosis and treatments.