Katherine Panageas, DrPH

Attending Biostatistician; Director, Research Support

Katherine Panageas, DrPH

Attending Biostatistician; Director, Research Support
Katherine Panageas, DrPH


Columbia University

Current Research Interests

Dr. Panageas is involved in the analysis of cluster correlated data and random effects models in the context of health services research. She is currently involved in developing a framework for hospital profiling in cancer care in collaboration with colleagues from the Center for Health Policy and Outcomes. Profiling hospitals and/or physicians based on the quality of care they provide to patients is a priority for policy makers, payers, and the public.  Her future research in this area involves evaluating risk-standardized outcomes as performance metrics after major cancer surgery across all US hospitals.  The goal is to recommend a practical and technically sound statistical approach that is credible and transparent to identify providers as good or poor performers in relation to benchmarks of performance. Dr. Panageas primarily collaborates with clinical investigators from the Melanoma and Integrative Medicine Services and the Departments of Neurology and Neurosurgery to design and analyze prospective and retrospective studies to evaluate treatment strategies including immuno-therapies, explore various biomarkers, develop prediction models and develop models to estimate the risk of developing distant metastasis or local tumor.   She serves as the lead of the statistical core for the AACR GENIC BPC multi institutional pan-cancer effort to link comprehensive clinical data from the electronic health record to genomic data to yield an observational data source from an estimated 50,000 patients. She serves as the co-PI along with Drs Robert Daly and Jun Mao of the Connected Care Program to study remote hospital discharge as well as co-PI with Dr Eli Diamond to evaluate the unmet supportive care needs of patients with Erdheim-Chester Disease as well as their informal caregivers. She serves on the editorial board of Clinical Cancer Research, JNCI, JNCI Cancer Spectrum and Journal of Hospital Management and Health Policy.


Selected peer-reviewed publications:

  1. Kidwell KM, Postow MA, Panageas KS. Sequential, Multiple Assignment, Randomized Trial Designs in Immuno-Oncology Research. Clinical Cancer Research, 2017 Aug 23. pii: clincanres.1355.2017. doi: 10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-17-1355. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 28835379.
  2. Goldman DA, Hovinga K, Reiner AS, Esquenazi Y, Tabar V, Panageas KS. The Relationship between Repeat Resection and Overall Survival in Glioblastoma Multiforme Patients: A Time-Dependent Analysis. J Neurosurg, in press.
  3. Eaton A., Sima CS, Panageas KS. Prevalence and safety of off-label use of chemotherapeutic agents in older breast cancer patients: estimates from SEER-Medicare data. J Natl Compr Canc Netw, 2016 Jan;14(1):57-65.
  4. Jia X, Sima CS, Brennan MB, Panageas KS. Cure Models for the Analysis of Time-to-Event Data in Cancer Studies. J Surg Oncol, 2013 Nov;108(6):342-7.
  5. Panageas KS, Ben-Porat L, Dickler MN, Chapman PB, Schrag D. When you look matters: The effect of assessment schedule on progression free survival, J Natl Can Inst. 2007; 99(6):428-32

Visit PubMed for a full listing of Katherine Panageas’ journal articles

Pubmed is an online index of biomedical articles maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.


Doctors and faculty members often work with pharmaceutical, device, biotechnology, and life sciences companies, and other organizations outside of MSK, to find safe and effective cancer treatments, to improve patient care, and to educate the health care community.

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Katherine Panageas discloses the following relationships and financial interests:

  • Vincerx Pharma, Inc.

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