Qin Zhou, MA

Senior Research Biostatistician

Qin Zhou, MA

Senior Research Biostatistician
Qin Zhou


University of Missouri-Columbia

Current Research Interests

Ms. Zhou’s main collaboration has been with the Gynecologic Oncology Group. She has significant experience in the area of: (1) survival outcomes prediction; (2) biomarkers exploration; (3) nomogram construction and (4) association examination. She is also involved in several projects conducting array CGH analysis using prostate cancer clinic data and cell-line data, gene expression analysis and microRNA analysis range from prostate cancer, endometrial carcinoma to mesothelioma. Most recently, she is in involved in research such as applying the penalized likelihood approach in evaluating the biomarkers and environmental factors interaction and applying variety of Mendelian Randomization methodologies to evaluating proteins’ effecting on breast cancer subtypes using GWAS data.


  1. Satagopan JM, Zhou Q, Oliveria SA, Dusza SW, Weinstock MA, Berwick M, Halpern AC. (2011) Properties of preliminary test estimators and shrinkage estimators for evaluating multiple exposures-Application to questionnaire data from SONIC study. J R Stat Soc Ser C Appl Stat. Aug; Vol 60, Issue 4:619-632.
  2. Qin LX, Zhou Q, Bogomolniy F, Villafania L, Olvera N, Cavatore M, Satagopan J, Begg C, Levine DA (2014) Blocking and randomization to improve molecular biomarker discovery. Clinical Cancer Research. Jul 20(13):3371-8.
  3. Qin LX, Zhou Q. (2014) MicroRNA array normalization: an evaluation using a randomized dataset as the benchmark. PLOS One. 9(6):e99879.
  4. Satagopan JM, Iasonos A, Zhou Q (2015) Prognostic and predictive values and statistical interactions in the era of targeted treatment. Genet. Epidemiol. Nov 39(7):509-17
  5. Satagopan JM, Sen A, Zhou Q, Lan Q, Rothman N, Langseth H, Engel, LS (2016) Bayes and empirical Bayes methods for reduced rank regression models in matched case-control studies. Biometrics 72(2): 584-95.