Memorial Sloan Kettering Principal Investigator
Jonine Bernstein, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Co-Principal Investigator
Sara Olson, PhD
Study Objective
Researchers hope that identifying a genetic link will provide information about the disease that may lead to improved treatment, as well as ways to prevent this disease.
Who Is Conducting this Study?
GLIOGENE is an international study searching for genes involved with gliomas which affect more than one member of a family.
Memorial Sloan Kettering is one of 15 participating sites located in the United States, Israel, Denmark, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The study is led by Drs. Melissa Bondy and Beatrice Malmer.
Who Is Eligible to Participate?
To be eligible for participation in the study at Memorial Sloan Kettering, families must have two or more biologically related members who have been diagnosed with glioma. The participants must also speak English and reside in the U.S. or Canada.
Study participants include patients with glioma, as well as their relatives who may or may not be diagnosed with glioma. Different types of gliomas, such as astrocytoma, oligodendroglioma, and glioblastoma multiforme, are included in this study.
The study involves an interview asking about factors that may be related to the risk of glioma. Participants and their relatives will also be asked to provide small blood samples for DNA analysis related to the development of brain tumors.
Study Progress
Initial linkage analysis of families participating in GLIOGENE has begun. In addition, using the infrastructure created by the consortium, we are embarking on a case-control study to investigate the possible genetic and environmental risks factors associated with glioma. This study anticipates 6000 cases and 6000 controls in total.
Contact Information
For more information, please visit our Web site at www.gliogene.org.