For Patients & Caregivers
Tell your healthcare providers about any dietary supplements you’re taking, such as herbs, vitamins, minerals, and natural or home remedies. This will help them manage your care and keep you safe.
What is it?
ArginMax was shown in small studies to improve sexual performance in both women and men.
ArginMax is a dietary supplement that contains Gingko biloba, Panax ginseng, American ginseng, gamiana, L-arginine, Vitamins A, C, E, B-complex, zinc and selenium. The manufacturers of ArginMax claim that it helps improve sexual performance in both men and women. Sexual dysfunction may involve loss of sexual desire, arousal, difficulty in maintaining arousal, painful intercourse, or difficulty in achieving orgasm. Factors responsible can include stress, hormonal imbalance, antidepressant use, menopause, and cancer treatment, among others.
The herbal components of ArginMax are thought to improve sexual satisfaction by increasing blood flow and by promoting muscle relaxation. Small studies suggest Arginmax may improve sexual function, but a study in female cancer survivors did not see such benefit although improved quality of life was reported.
Patients with hormone sensitive cancers should be careful as ginseng can have estrogenic effects. L-arginine can worsen asthma symptoms and affect blood sugar, so patients with asthma or diabetes should also be careful when using this product. Ginseng and ginkgo can cause interactions with other prescription drugs.
What are the potential uses and benefits?
- Female sexual dysfunction
Small studies suggest ArginMax may improve sexual satisfaction, but a study in female cancer survivors did not find such benefit. - Erectile dysfunction
ArginMax improved the overall sex life in men with erectile dysfunction.
What else do I need to know?
Patient Warnings:
Sexual dysfunction could be a result of other complex underlying physical, biological, or psychological disorders. Patients should consult with and be monitored by a physician when using this product.
Do Not Take if:
- You are pregnant or nursing.
- You have diabetes: L-arginine may affect blood sugar levels.
- You have asthma: L-arginine may worsen symptoms.
- You have a hormone-sensitive cancer: Ginseng may have estrogenic effects.
- You are taking prescription drugs: Herbal components of ArginMax may interact with various drugs.
For Healthcare Professionals
Clinical Summary
ArginMax is a nutritional supplement containing Gingko biloba, Panax ginseng, American ginseng, damiana, L-arginine, Vitamins A, C, E, B-complex, zinc and selenium. It is promoted to help both female sexual dysfunction and erectile dysfunction in men. Sexual dysfunction may involve loss of sexual desire, difficulty maintaining arousal, painful intercourse, or difficulty achieving orgasm. It can result from factors such as stress, hormonal imbalances, cancer treatment, antidepressant use, or menopause.
ArginMax is thought to enhance blood circulation and muscle relaxation resulting in increased sexual satisfaction. Pilot studies suggest improvements in women with sexual dysfunction (1) (13) and men with erectile dysfunction (2), but a study in female cancer survivors did not see such benefit although improved quality of life was reported (14).
ArginMax contains ginseng, which may have estrogenic effects although data are conflicting (6) (7). L-arginine may worsen symptoms in people with allergen-induced asthma (8) and reduce blood pressure (9). It may also affect blood sugar levels (10) and should be used with caution in patients with diabetes.
Purported Uses and Benefits
- Erectile dysfunction
- Female sexual dysfunction
Mechanism of Action
The main ingredient in ArginMax is L-arginine, an essential amino acid and a precursor to nitric oxide that may modulate vaginal blood supply and smooth muscle relaxation (3). Ginsenosides present in ginseng have been shown to increase nitric oxide production (4). Gingko is believed to facilitate microvascular circulation (5). Damiana’s prosexual effects have been shown to involve the nitric oxide pathway. The anxiolytic activity of this herb is also thought to contribute to such effects (15).
Sexual dysfunction could be a result of other complex underlying physical, biological, or psychological disorders. Patients should consult and be monitored by a physician when using this product.
Herb-Drug Interactions
- Anticoagulants: Ginkgo may have additive effects with blood thinning drugs while ginseng can antagonize their effects.
- Antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs: L-arginine may have additive effects with antihypertensive and hypoglycemic drugs (9) (10).