Title Browse by Last Name: - Any -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Browse by Last Name: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 30 Research Biographies found The Jian Carrot-Zhang Lab David Ma Computational Biologist I The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Divya Madala Bioinformatics Software Engineer Administrative Resources Farheen Madonia, MS Senior Financial Analyst The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Ramyasree Madupuri Computational Biologist Biostatistics Charlotte Malling Senior Project Manager Charlotte Malling is the Senior Project Manager for the MATCHES (Making Telehealth Delivery of Cancer Care at Home Effective and Safe) Telehealth Resea... The Wesley Tansey Lab Brian Manzo PhD student in Statistics at University of Michigan The Benjamin Greenbaum Lab Stephen Martis, PhD Postdoctoral Research Scholar The Nikolaus Schultz Lab Brooke Mastrogiacomo Computational Biologist Il Biostatistics Audrey Mauguen, PhD Associate Attending Biostatistician Current Research Interests Dr. Mauguen’s methodological research focuses on survival analyses and the prediction of survival endpoints. She is parti... The Elli Papaemmanouil Lab Joseph G. McCarter Senior Computational Biologist II Joseph graduated with a PhD from the Department of Biochemistry at National University of Ireland, Galway. Under the supervision of Prof. Kevin F. Sull... Pagination Load More Book traversal links for Epidemiology & Biostatistics Previous Epidemiology & Biostatistics Next Epidemiology