The Preclinical/Co-clinical Core serves as a liaison between clinical and laboratory studies. The Preclinical/Co-clinical Core is composed of three units: a Genomics Unit, a Mouse Modeling Unit, and a Mouse Hospital Unit.
The Genomics Unit is responsible for the generation of molecular data from both patient and animal model tissues.
The Mouse Modeling Unit supports center investigators in the development of relevant disease models and the characterization of resulting phenotypes. The Mouse Hospital Unit provides assistance in the design and execution of pharmacokinetic, toxicology, and in vivo efficacy studies, both in a preclinical and co-clinical trial setting.
The Bioinformatics Core uses state-of-the-art statistical and computational methods optimized for the analysis of human, PDX, and GEMM-derived tissues. It also develops new functionalities within the cBioPortal to support individual center projects and to facilitate data sharing among center investigators and with the broader scientific community.
Disease Modeling Units takes advantage of the center cores to advance their translational science. While MSK has extensive expertise in studying the pathogenesis and treatment of cancer, the Disease Modeling Units use center resources to address a range of biomedical problems that extend well beyond cancer.
Pilot Center for Precision Disease Leaders
Director and Co-Director
Core Leaders
Project Leaders
External Advisory Board
Lukas Dow, PhD, Assistant Professor, Weill Cornell Medical College
Sohail Tavazoie, MD, PhD, Senior Attending Physician, Rockefeller University
Sergei Koralov, PhD, Assistant Professor, NYU Langone Medical Center
Cory Abate-Shen, PhD, Associate Director, Columbia University Medical Center