Memorial Sloan Kettering has long-standing experience providing comprehensive screening, counseling, and treatment for ovarian cancer. Our gynecologic team of doctors, surgeons and other experts sees more than 100 patients with newly diagnosed cases of ovarian cancer each year, as well as some 100 patients with a recurrent form of the disease.
Although each patient has a primary doctor who coordinates her care, all patients — regardless of the type of treatment they receive — are cared for by a multidisciplinary team of experts. The team meets every week to review patient cases and develop treatment plans. They are joined by specialists who ensure that nonmedical needs, such as psychosocial support for patients and their caregivers, are also met.

Chief, Gynecology Service; Founder’s Chair

Ronald O. Perelman Chair in Gynecologic Surgery; Deputy Chief, Gynecology Service; Head, Ovarian Cancer Surgery, Department of Surgery

Senior Vice President and Chief Health Equity Officer; Nicholls-Biondi Chair for Health Equity at Memorial Sloan Kettering; Vice Chair Health Equity, Department of Surgery

Section, Ovarian Cancer Surgery; Physician Lead, Gynecology Disease Management Team Alliance; Vice Chair of Hospital Operations, Department of Surgery

Attending Surgeon, Section of Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Director, Alexander Brunschwig Gynecologic Residency Program; Chair, Surgical QA Committee; Member, Section of Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Assistant Attending Surgeon

Assistant Attending Surgeon

Head, Endometrial Cancer Section, Gynecologic Oncology Service, Department of Surgery

Assistant Attending Surgeon

Fellowship Director, Gynecology Service; Director, Minimal Access and Robotic Surgery Program, Department of Surgery

Attending Surgeon, Section of Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Vice Chair, Regional Network & Affiliates, Department of Surgery; Director of Surgery, MSK Monmouth & MSK Basking Ridge; Director of MSK Monmouth ORs; Interim Associate Deputy Physician-in-Chief, Strategic Partnerships

Associate Director, Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program; Section, Ovarian Cancer Surgery
Minimally Invasive Surgery

Chief, Gynecology Service; Founder’s Chair

Ronald O. Perelman Chair in Gynecologic Surgery; Deputy Chief, Gynecology Service; Head, Ovarian Cancer Surgery, Department of Surgery

Senior Vice President and Chief Health Equity Officer; Nicholls-Biondi Chair for Health Equity at Memorial Sloan Kettering; Vice Chair Health Equity, Department of Surgery

Section, Ovarian Cancer Surgery; Physician Lead, Gynecology Disease Management Team Alliance; Vice Chair of Hospital Operations, Department of Surgery

Attending Surgeon, Section of Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Director, Alexander Brunschwig Gynecologic Residency Program; Chair, Surgical QA Committee; Member, Section of Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Assistant Attending Surgeon

Assistant Attending Surgeon

Assistant Attending Surgeon

Fellowship Director, Gynecology Service; Director, Minimal Access and Robotic Surgery Program, Department of Surgery

Attending Surgeon, Section of Ovarian Cancer Surgery

Vice Chair, Regional Network & Affiliates, Department of Surgery; Director of Surgery, MSK Monmouth & MSK Basking Ridge; Director of MSK Monmouth ORs; Interim Associate Deputy Physician-in-Chief, Strategic Partnerships

Associate Director, Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship Program; Section, Ovarian Cancer Surgery
Medical Oncology

Chief, Gynecologic Medical Oncology Service; Avon Chair in Gynecologic Oncology Research

Senior Vice President for Clinical Research

Assistant Attending Physician

Associate Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician

Section Head, Ovarian Cancer; Director, Gynecologic Medical Oncology, MSK Westchester

Assistant Attending Physician

Attending Physician, Gynecologic Medical Oncology, Associate Vice Chair, Academic Affairs; Chair, Promotions Advisory Committee

Assistant Attending Physician

Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician

Lead, Inherited Gynecologic Cancer Program

Section Head, Endometrial Cancer Program; Director, Hematology-Medical Oncology Fellowship Training Program; Associate Attending Physician

Research Director, Gynecologic Medical Oncology Service; Clinical Director, Solid Tumor, Cellular Therapy Service; Associate Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician

Clinical Director, Gynecologic Medical Oncology Service; Attending Physician

Assistant Attending Physician
Radiation Therapy

Director, Gynecologic Radiation Oncology; Director, Sarcoma Radiation Oncology

Director of Regional Radiation Oncology Clinical Research

Chief, External Beam Radiotherapy: MSK Basking Ridge and MSK Monmouth; Director, Breast Radiotherapy Services

Chief, Brachytherapy Service; Gynecologic Disease Site Director; Program Director, Brachytherapy Fellowship

Chief, Radiation Oncology, MSK Westchester & MSK Bergen

Director, Radiation Oncology, MSK Basking Ridge

Assistant Attending Radiation Oncologist

Chief of Body Imaging; Director, Body MR, Director GU Radiology

Assistant Attending Radiologist

Attending Radiologist

Director, GYN Radiology

Director, Nuclear Medicine Pediatrics

Attending Radiologist

Director, Interventional Radiology, MSK Monmouth

Attending Radiologist

Chair, Graduate Medical Education Committee; Director, Gynecologic Pathology Fellowship Program

Associate Attending Pathologist

Assistant Attending Pathologist

Director, Gynecologic Pathology; Vice Chair of Faculty and Academic Affairs
General Gynecology

Head, General Gynecology; Vice Chair for Quality & Safety, Department of Surgery
Sexual Health

Attending Psychologist
Social Work
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