As a leading cancer research institution, we are committed to sharing knowledge that will improve the quality of life of cancer patients and survivors. Below are survivorship publications by our staff.

Highlighted Research

Adolescent and Pediatric Cancer

Prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency in survivors of childhood cancer [PMID: 23192881]
Authors: Choudhary A, Chou J, Heller G, Sklar CA
Published July 2013 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Lack of specificity of plasma concentrations of inhibin B and follicle-stimulating hormone for identification of azoospermic survivors of childhood cancer: A report from the St Jude lifetime cohort study [PMID: 23423746]
Authors: Green DM, Zhu L, Zhang N, Sklar CA, Ke RW, Kutteh WH, Klosky JL, Spunt SL, Metzger ML, Navid F, Srivastava D, Robison LL, Hudson MM
Published April 2013 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Clinical ascertainment of health outcomes among adults treated for childhood cancer [PMID: 23757085]
Authors: Hudson MM, Ness KK, Gurney JG, Mulrooney DA, Chemaitilly W, Krull KR, Green DM, Armstrong GT, Nottage KA, Jones KE, Sklar CA, Srivastava DK, Robison LL
Published June 2013 in the Journal of the American Medical Association

Differential Effects of Radiotherapy on Growth and Endocrine Function Among Acute Leukemia Survivors: A Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Report
Authors: Chow EJ, Liu W, Srivastava K, Leisenring WM, Hayashi RJ, Sklar CA, Stovall M, Robison LL, and Baker KS
Published January 2013 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Long-Term Medical Outcomes in Survivors of Extra-Ocular Retinoblastoma: The Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC) Experience
Authors: Friedman DN, Sklar CA, Oeffinger KC, Kernan NA, Khakoo Y, Marr BP, Wolden SL, Abramson DH, and Dunkel IJ
Published April 2013 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Absolute Risk Prediction of Second Primary Thyroid Cancer Among 5-Year Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Authors: Kovalchik SA, Ronckers CM, Veiga LHS, Sigurdson AJ, Inskip PD, DeVathaire F, Sklar CA, Donaldson SS, Anderson H, Bhatti P, Hammond S, Leisenring WM, Mertens AC, Smith SA, Stovall M, Tucker MA, Weathers RE, Robison LL, and Pfeiffer RM
Published January 2013 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

A Worldwide Collaboration to Harmonize Guidelines for the Long-Term Follow-Up of Childhood and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: A Report From the International Late Effects of Childhood Cancer Guideline Harmonization Group
Authors: Kremer LC, Mulder RL, Oeffinger KC, Bhatia S, Landier W, Levitt G, Constine LS, Wallace WH, Caron HN, Armenian SH, Skinner R, and Hudson MM
Published April 2013 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Family Physician Preferences and Knowledge Gaps Regarding the Care of Adolescent and Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Authors: Nathan PC, Daugherty CK, Wroblewski KE, Kigin ML, Stewart TV, Hlubocky FJ, Grunfeld E, Del Giudice ME, Ward LAE, Galliher JM, Oeffinger KC, and Henderson TO
Published March 2013 in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Atherogenic Low Density Lipoprotein Phenotype in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Authors: Malhotra J, Tonorezos ES, Rozenberg M, Vega GL, Sklar CA, Chou J, Moskowitz CS, Eshelman-Kent DA, Janiszewski P, Ross R, and Oeffinger KC
Published December 2012 in Journal of Lipid Research
Response to a Treatment Summary and Care Plan Among Adult Survivors of Pediatric and Young Adult Cancer
Authors: Spain PD, Oeffinger KC, Candela J, McCabe M, Ma X, and Tonorezos ES
Published May 2012 in Journal of Oncology Practice

Contribution of Diet and Physical Activity to Metabolic Parameters Among Survivors of Childhood Leukemia
Authors: Tonorezos ES, Robien K, Eshelman-Kent D, Moskowitz CS, Church TS, Ross R, and Oeffinger KC
Published November 2012 in Cancer Causes and Control

Anthracycline-Related Cardiomyopathy After Childhood Cancer: Role of Polymorphisms in Carbonyl Reductase Genes - A Report From the Children’s Oncology Group
Authors: Blanco JG, Sun CL, Landier W, Chen L, Esparza-Duran D, Leisenring W, Mays A, Friedman DL, Ginsberg JP, Hudson MM, Neglia JP, Oeffinger KC, Ritchey AK, Villaluna D, Relling MV and Bhatia S
Published May 2012 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Cancer Prevention and Screening Practices of Siblings of Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Buchbinder D, Mertens AC, Zeltzer LK, Leisenring W, Goodman P, Lown EA, Alderfer MA, Recklitis C, Oeffinger KC, Armstrong GT, Hudson M, Robison LL
and Casillas J
Published July 2012 in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention

Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology
Authors: Coccia PF, Altman J, Bhatia S, Borinstein SC, Flynn J, George S, Goldsby R, Hayashi R, Huang MS, Johnson RH, Beaupin LK, Link MP, Oeffinger KC, Orr KM, Pappo AS, Reed D, Spraker HL, Thomas DA, Von Mehren M, Wechsler DS, Whelan KF, Zebrack B, Sundar H, and Shead DA
Published September 2012 in the Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network

Scarring, Disfigurement, and Quality of Life in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Kinahan KE, Sharp LK, Seidel K, Leisenring W, Didwania A, Lacouture ME, Stovall M, Haryani A, Robison LL, and Krull KR
Published July 2012 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Survivor Profiles Predict Health Behavior Intent: The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Cox CL, Zhu L, Finnegan L, Steen BD, Hudson MM, Robison LL and Oeffinger KC
Published May 2012 in Psycho-Oncology

Secondary Gastrointestinal Cancer in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Cohort Study
Authors: Henderson TO, Oeffinger KC, Whitton J, Leisenring W, Neglia J, Meadows A, Crotty C, Rubin DT, Diller L, Inskip P, Smith SA, Stovall M, Constine LS, Hammond S, Armstrong GT, Robison LL and Nathan PC
Published June 2012 in Annals of Internal Medicine

Hospitalization Rates Among Survivors of Childhood Cancer in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Cohort
Authors: Kurt BA, Nolan VG, Ness KK, Neglia JP, Tersak JM, Hudson MM, Armstrong GT, Hutchinson RJ, Leisenring WM, Oeffinger KC, Robison LL and Arora M
Published July 2012 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Long-Term Follow-Up of Children Treated For High-Grade Gliomas: Children’s Oncology Group L991 Final Study Report
Authors: Sands SA, Zhou T, O’Neil SH, Patel SK, Allen J, McGuire CP, Kaleita TA, Noll R, Sklar CA and Finlay JL
Published March 2012 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Fractures Among Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Wilson CL, Dilley K, Ness KK, Leisenring WL, Sklar CA, Kaste SC, Stovall M, Green DM, Armstrong GT, Robison LL and Kadan-Lottick NS
Published May 2012 in Cancer

NCI, NHLBI/PBMTC First International Conference on Late Effects After Pediatric Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation: Persistent Immune Deficiency in Pediatric Transplant Survivors
Authors: Bunin N, Small T, Szabolcs P, Baker KS, Pulsipher MA and Torgerson T
Published January 2012 in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Risk Factors for Obesity in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Green DM, Cox CL, Zhu L, Krull KR, Srivastava DK, Stovall M, Nolan VG, Ness KK, Donaldson SS, Oeffinger KC, Meacham LR, Sklar CA, Armstrong GT and Robison LL
Published January 2012 in Journal of Clinical Oncology

Adipokines, Body Fatness, and Insulin Resistance Among Survivors of Childhood Leukemia
Authors: Tonorezos ES, Vega GL, Sklar CA, Chou JF, Moskowitz CS, Mo Q, Church TS, Ross R, Janiszewski PM and Oeffinger KC
Published January 2012 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Chemotherapy and Thyroid Cancer Risk: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Veiga LHS, Bhatti P, Ronckers CM, Sigurdson AJ, Stovall M, Smith SA, Weathers R, Leisenring W, Mertens AC, Hammond S, Neglia JP, Meadows AT,
Donaldson SS, Sklar CA, Friedman DL, Robison LL and Inskip PD
Published January 2012 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention

Physical Activity Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Lower-Extremity Sarcoma
Authors: Wampler MA, Galantino ML, Huang S, Gilchrist LS, Marchese VG, Morris GS, Scalzitti DA, Hudson MM, Oeffinger KC, Stovall M, Leisenring WM, Armstrong GT, Robison LL and Ness KK
Published March 2012 Journal of Cancer Survivorship

How Confident are Young Adult Cancer Survivors in Managing their Survivorship Care? A Report from the LIVESTRONG™ Survivorship Center of Excellence Network
Authors: Casillas J, Syrjala KL, Ganz PA, Hammond E, Marcus AC, Moss KM, Crespi CM, Lu P, McCabe MS, Ford JS, Jacobs LA, Pucci D, Palmer SC, Termuhlen AM, Diller L, Campbell M, Jones B and Friedman DL
Published December 2011 in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Childhood Cancer Survivorship Educational Resources in North American Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Training Programs: A Survey Study
Authors: Nathan PC, Schiffman JD, Huang S, Landier W, Bhatia S, Eshelman-Kent D, Wright J, Oeffinger KC and Hudson MM
Published December 2011 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Twenty-five Year Follow Up of Childhood Wilms Tumor: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Termuhlen AM, Tersak JM, Liu Q, Yasui Y, Stovall M, Weathers R, Deutsch M, Sklar CA, Oeffinger KC, Armstrong G, Robison LL and Green DM
Published December 2011 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Long-term Health-related Outcomes in Survivors of Childhood Cancer Treated with HSCT Versus Conventional Therapy: A Report From the Bone Marrow Transplant Survivor Study (BMTSS) and Childhood Cancer Survivor Study (CCSS)
Authors: Armenian S H, Sun CL, Kawashima T, Arora M, Leisenring W, Sklar CA, Baker KS, Francisco L, The JB, Mills G, Wong FL, Rosenthal J, Diller LR, Hudson MM, Oeffinger KC, Forman SJ, Robison LL, Bhatia S
Published August 2011 in Blood

Impact of Insurance Type on Survivor-focused and General Preventive Health Care Utilization in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Authors: Casillas J, Castellino SM, Hudson MM, Mertens AC, Lima IS, Liu Q, Zeltzer LK, Yasui Y, Robison LL, Oeffinger KC
Published May 2011 in Cancer

Disseminating a Smoking Cessation Intervention to Childhood and Young Adult Cancer Survivors: Baseline Characteristics and Study Design of the Partnership for Health-2 Study
Authors: de Moor JS, Puleo E, Ford JS, Greenberg M, Hodgson DC, Tyc VL, Ostroff JS, Diller LR, Levy AG, Sprunck-Harrild K, Emmons KM
Published May 2011 in BMC Cancer
Survivors of Childhood Cancer Have Increased Risk of Gastrointestinal Complications Later in Life
Authors: Goldsby R, Chen Y, Raber S, Li L, Diefenbach K, Shnorhavorian M, Kadanlottick N, Kastrinos F, Yasui Y, Stovall M, Oeffinger KC, Sklar CA, Armstrong GT, Robison LL, Diller L
Published May 2011 in Gastroenterology

The Cancer is Over, Now What?: Understanding Risk, Changing Outcomes
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Tonorezos ES
Published May 2011 in Cancer

Research Challenges in Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Survivor Research
Authors: Tonorezos ES, Oeffinger KC
Published April 2011 in Cancer

Physical Activity Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Lower-extremity Sarcoma
Authors: Wampler MA, Galantino ML, Huang S, Gilchrist LS, Marchese VG, Morris GS, Scalzitti DA, Hudson MM, Oeffinger KC, Stovall M, Leisenring WM, Armstrong GT, Robison LL, Ness KK
Published June 2011 in Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Auditory Complications in Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Whelan K, Stratton K, Kawashima T, Leisenring W, Hayashi S, Waterbor J, BlattJ, Sklar CA, Packer R, Mitby P, Robison LL, Mertens AC
Published May 2011 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Increasing Rates of Breast Cancer and Cardiac Surveillance Among High-Risk Survivors of Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma Following A Mailed, One-page Survivorship Care Plan
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Hudson MM, Mertens AC, Smith SM, Mitby PA, Eshelman-Kent DA, Ford JS, Jones JK, Kamani S, Robison LL
Published May 2011 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Twenty Years of Follow-up of Survivors of Childhood Osteosarcoma
Authors: Nagarajan R, Kamruzzaman A, Ness KK, Marchese VG, Sklar CA, Mertens A, Yasui Y, Robison LL, Marina N
Published February 2011 in Cancer

Quality of Life and Behavioral Follow-up Study of Head Start I Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors
Authors: Sands SA, Pasichow KP, Weiss R, Garvin J, Gardner S, Dunkel IJ, Finlay JL
Published January 2011 in the Journal of Neuro-Oncology

Occupational Outcomes of Adult Childhood Cancer Survivors: A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Kirchhoff AC, Krull KR, Ness KK, Park ER, Oeffinger KC, Hudson MM, Stovall M, Robison LL, Wickizer T, Leisenring W
Published January 2011 in Cancer

Risk of Second Primary Thyroid Cancer After Radiotherapy for a Childhood Cancer in a Large Cohort Study: An Update from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published December 2010 in Radiation Research
Authors: Bhatti P, Veiga LHS, Ronckers CM, Sigurdson AJ, Stovall M, Smith SA, Weathers R, Leisenring W, Mertens AC, Hammond S, Friedman DL, Neglia JP, Meadows AT, Donaldson SS, Sklar CA, Robison LL, and Inskip PD

Primary Lung Adenocarcinomas in Children and Adolescents Treated for Pediatric Malignancies
Published November 2010 in the Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Authors: Kayton ML, He M, Zakowski MF, Moreira AL, Lau C, Chou AJ, Merchant M, Merola PR, Wexler LH, La Quaglia MP, Travis WD, and Ladanyi M

Unemployment Among Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published November 2010 in Medical Care
Authors: Kirchhoff AC, Leisenring W, Krull KR, Ness KK, Friedman DL, Armstrong GT, Stovall M, Park ER, Oeffinger KC, Hudson MM, Robison LL, and Wickizer T

Physical Therapy and Chiropractic Use Among Childhood Cancer Survivors with Chronic Disease: Impact on Health-related Quality of Life
Published October 2010 in Journal of Cancer Survivorship
Authors: Montgomery M, Huang S, Cox CL, Leisenring WM, Oeffinger KC, Hudson MM, Ginsberg J, Armstrong GT, Robison LL, and Ness KK

Screening and Surveillance for Second Malignant Neoplasms in Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published October 2010 in Annals of Internal Medicine
Authors: Nathan PC, Ness KK, Mahoney MC, Li Z, Hudson MM, Ford JS, Landier W, Stovall M, Armstrong GT, Henderson TO, Robison LL, and Oeffinger KC

Intraventricular Meningioma After Cranial Irradiation for Childhood Leukemia
Published October 2010 in the Journal of Child Neurology
Authors: Ney DE, Huse JT, Dunkel IJ, Steinherz PG, Haque S, and Khakoo Y

Endocrine Complications in Long-term Survivors of Childhood Cancers
Published September 2010 in Endocrine-Related Cancer
Authors: Chemaitilly W, and Sklar C

Long-term Survivors of Childhood Ewing Sarcoma: Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published August 2010 in Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Authors: Ginsberg JP, Goodman P, Leisenring W, Ness KK, Meyers PA, Wolden SL, Smith SM, Stovall M, Hammond S, Robison LL, and Oeffinger KC

Quality of Life and Behavioral Follow-up Study of Head Start I Pediatric Brain Tumor Survivors
Published June 2010 in Journal of Neuro-Oncology
Authors: Sands SA, Pasichow KP, Weiss R, Garvin J, Gardner S, Dunkel IJ, and Finlay JL

Fertility of Male Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published January 2010 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Green DM, Kawashima T, Stovall M, Leisenring W, Sklar CA, Mertens AC, Donaldson SS, Byrne J, and Robison LL

Cardiovascular Risk Factors in Adult Survivors of Pediatric Cancer-A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published January 2010 in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
Authors: Meacham LR, Chow EJ, Ness KK, Kamdar KY, Chen Y, Yasui Y, Oeffinger KC, Sklar CA, Robison LL, and Mertens AC

Cardiac Outcomes in a Cohort of Adult Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer: Retrospective Analysis of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Cohort
Published January 2010 in the British Medical Journal
Authors: Mulrooney DA, Yeazel MW, Kawashima T, Mertens AC, Mitby P, Stovall M, Donaldson S S, Green DM, Sklar CA, Robison LL, and Leisenring WM

Challenges After Curative Treatment for Childhood Cancer and Long-Term Follow up of Survivors
Published February 2010 in Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Nathan PC, and Kremer LC

Ocular Late Effects in Childhood and Adolescent Cancer Survivors: A report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published January 2010 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Authors: Whelan KF, Stratton K, Kawashima T, Waterbor JW, Castleberry RP, Stovall M, Sklar CA, Packer RJ, Mitby P, Aitken C L, Blatt J, Robison LL, and Mertens AC

Risk of Thyroid Dysfunction and Subsequent Thyroid Cancer among Survivors of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published September 2009 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Authors: Chow EJ, Stovall M, Yasui Y, Whitton JA, Robison LL, and Sklar CA

Abnormal Timing of Menarche in Survivors of Central Nervous System Tumors: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published June 2009 in Cancer
Authors: Armstrong GT, Gajjar A, Kun LE, Chow EJ, Stovall M, Leisenring W, Robison LL, and Sklar CA

Survey of Long-Term Follow-Up Programs in the United States for Survivors of Childhood Brain Tumors
Published December 2009 Pediatric Blood and Cancer
Authors: Bowers, D, Adhikari, S, El-Khashab, Y, Gargan, L,and Oeffinger KC

Disorders of Glucose Homeostasis in Young Adults Treated with Total Body Irradiation during Childhood: A Pilot Study
Published September 2009 in Bone Marrow Transplantation
Authors: Chemaitilly W, Oeffinger KC, and Sklar CA

Determinants of Mammography Screening Participation in Adult Childhood Cancer Survivors: Results from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published May 2009 in Oncology Nursing Forum
Authors: Cox CL, Oeffinger KC, Montgomery M, Hudson M, Mertens AC, Whitton J, and Robison L

Fertility of Female Survivors of Childhood Cancer: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published June 2009 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Green D, Kawashima T, Stovall M, Leisenring W, Sklar CA, Mertens A, Donaldson S, Byrne J, and Robison L

High-Risk Populations Identified in Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Investigations: Implications for Risk-Based Surveillance
Published May 2009 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Hudson M, Mulrooney D, Bowers D, Sklar CA, Green D, Donaldson S, Oeffinger KC, Neglia J, Meadows A, and Robison L

Impact of Radiation and Chemotherapy on Risk of Dental Abnormalities A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published December 2009 in Cancer
Authors: Kaste S, Goodman P, Leisenring W, Stovall M, Hayashi R, Yeazel M, Beiraghi S, Hudson M, Sklar CA, Robison L, and Baker K

Long-Term Outcomes in Survivors of Neuroblastoma: A Report from the childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published August 2009 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Authors: Laverdiere C, Yasui Y, Nathan PC, Gurney JG, Stovall M, Diller LR, Cheung NK, Wolden S, Robison LL, and Sklar CA

Diabetes Mellitus in Long-Term Survivors of Childhood Cancer Increased Risk Associated With Radiation Therapy: A Report for the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published August 2009 in the Archives of Internal Medicine
Authors: Meacham L, Sklar CA, Li S, Liu Q, Gimpel N, Yasui Y, Whitton J, Stovall M, Robison L, and Oeffinger KC

Cardiac Outcomes in a Cohort of Adult Survivors of Childhood and Adolescent Cancer: Retrospective Analysis of the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Cohort
Published December 2009 in the British Medical Journal
Authors: Mulrooney D, Yeazel M, Kawashima T, Mertens A, Mitby P, Stovall M, Donaldson S, Green D, Sklar CA, Robison L, and Leisenring W

Predictors of Inactive Lifestyle among Adult Survivors of Childhood Cancer A Report From the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published May 2009 in Cancer
Authors: Ness K, Leisenring W, Huang S, Hudson M, Gurney J, Whelan K, Hobbie W, Armstrong G, Robison L, and Oeffinger KC

Insulin Resistance and Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease in Young Adult Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Published August in 2009 the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Adams-Huet B, Victor R, Church T, Snell P, Dunn A, Eshelman, Kent D, Ross R, Janiszewski P, Turoff A, Brooks S, and Vega G

Second Primary Cancers in Survivors of Childhood Cancer
Published October 2009 in Lancet
Author: Oeffinger KC, and Bhatia S

The Childhood Cancer Survivor Study: A National Cancer Institute-Supported Resource for Outcome and Intervention Research
Published May 2009 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Robison L, Armstrong G, Boice J, Chow E, Davies S, Donaldson S, Green D, Hammond, S, Meadows A, Mertens A, Mulvihill J, Nathan P, Neglia J, Packer R, Rajaraman P, Sklar CA, Stovall M, Strong L, Yasui Y, and Zeltzer L

Promoting Physical Activity in Childhood Cancer Survivors
Published February, 2009 in Cancer
Authors: Cox CL, Montgomery M, Oeffinger KC, Leisenring W, Zeltzer L, Whitton JA, Mertens AC, Hudson MM, and Robison LL

Chronic Disease in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Cohort: A Review of Published Findings
Published May 2009 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Diller L, Chow E, Gurney J, Hudson M, Kadin-Lottick N, Kawashima T, Leisenring W, Meacham L, Mertens A, Mulrooney D, Oeffinger KC, Packer R, Robison L, and Sklar CA

Health Behaviors, Medical Care, and Interventions to Promote Healthy Living in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study Cohort
Published May 2009 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: Nathan P, Ford J, Henderson T, Hudson M, Emmons K, Casillas J,
Lown E, Ness K, and Oeffinger KC

Medical Screening Participation in the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published March 2009 in the Archives of Internal Medicine
Authors: Cox C, Hudson M, Mertens A, Oeffinger KC, Whitton J, Montgomery M, and Robison L

Breast Cancer

Age-related longitudinal changes in depressive symptoms following breast cancer diagnosis and treatment [PMID: 23588951]
Authors: Avis NE, Levine B, Naughton MJ, Case LD, Naftalis E, Van Zee KJ
Published May 2013 in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Radiation, atherosclerotic risk factors, and stroke risk in survivors of pediatric cancer: A report from the childhood cancer survivor study [PMID: 23680033]
Authors: Mueller S, Fullerton HJ, Stratton K, Leisenring W, Weathers RE, Stovall M, Armstrong GT, Goldsby RE, Packer RJ, Sklar CA, Bowers DC, Robison LL, Krull KR
Published July 2013 in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics

Health promotion for adolescent leukemia survivors [PMID: 23193097]
Authors: Tonorezos ES, Sharp L
Published June 2013 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Patient-Reported Satisfaction and Health-Related Quality of Life Following Breast Reconstruction: A Comparison of Shaped Cohesive Gel and Round Cohesive Gel Implant Recipients
Authors: Macadam SA, Ho AL, Lennox PA, and Pusic AL
Published March 2013 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Implementing a Breast Cancer Registry and Treatment Plan/Summary Program in Clinical Practice: A Pilot Program
Authors: Partridge AH, Norris VW, Blinder VS, Cutter BA, Halpern MT, Malin J, Neuss MN, and Wolff AC
Published January 2013 in Cancer

Patient Perspectives on Breast Cancer Treatment Plan and Summary Documents in Community Oncology Care: A Pilot Program
Authors: Blinder VS, Norris VW, Peacock NW, Griggs JJ, Harrington DP, Moore A, Theriault RL, and Partridge AH
Published November 2012 in Cancer

Variation in Genes Related to Obesity, Weight, and Weight Change and Risk of Contralateral Breast Cancer in the WECARE Study Population
Authors: Brooks JD, Bernstein L, Teraoka SN, Knight JA, Mellemkjær L, John EM, Malone KE, Reiner AS, Lynch CF, Concannon P, Haile RW, and Bernstein JL
Published December 2012 in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention

Incidence of Heart Failure or Cardiomyopathy After Adjuvant Trastuzumab Therapy for Breast Cancer
Authors: Chen J, Long JB, Hurria A, Owusu C, Steingart RM, and Gross CP
Published 2012 in Journal of the American College of Cardiology

Patient-Reported Satisfaction and Health Related Quality of Life Following Breast Reconstruction: A Comparison of Shaped Cohesive Gel and Round Cohesive Gel Implant Recipients
Authors: Macadam SA, Ho AL, Lennox PA, and Pusic AL
Published November 2012 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Employment After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A Qualitative Study Of Ethnically Diverse Urban Women
Authors: Blinder VS, Murphy MM, Vahdat LT, Gold HT, De Melo-Martin I, Hayes MK, Scheff RJ, Chuang E, Moore A, and Mazumdar M
Published August 2012 in the Journal of Community Health

Reproductive Status at First Diagnosis Influences Risk of Radiation-Induced Second Primary Contralateral Breast Cancer in the WECARE Study
Authors: Brooks JD, Boice Jr JD, Stovall M, Reiner AS, Bernstein L, John EM, Lynch CF, Mellemkjær L, Knight JA, Thomas DC, Haile RW, Smith SA, Capanu M, Bernstein JL and Shore RE
Published April 2012 in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics

A Prospective Model of Care for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Function
Authors: Campbell KL, Pusic AL, Zucker DS, McNeely ML, Binkley JM, Cheville AL and Harwood KJ
Published April 2012 in Cancer

Long-Term Outcomes in Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Immediate 2-Stage Expander/Implant Reconstruction and Postmastectomy Radiation
Authors: Ho A, Cordeiro P, Disa J, Mehrara B, Wright J, Van Zee KJ, Hudis C, McLane A, Chou J, Zhang Z, Powell S and McCormick B
Published May 2012 in Cancer

A Prospective Model of Care for Breast Cancer Rehabilitation: Postoperative and Postreconstructive Issues
Authors: McNeely ML, Binkley JM, Pusic AL, Campbell KL, Gabram S and Soballe PW
Published April 2012 in Cancer

A Prospective Surveillance Model for Rehabilitation for Women With Breast Cancer
Authors: Stout NL, Binkley JM, Schmitz KH, Andrews K, Hayes SC, Campbell KL, McNeely ML, Soballe PW, Berger AM, Cheville AL, Fabian C, Gerber LH, Harris SR, Johansson K, Pusic AL, Prosnitz RG and Smith RA
Published April 2012 in Cancer

Return To Work In Low-Income Latina And Non-Latina White Breast Cancer Survivors: A 3 Year Longitudinal Study
Authors: Blinder VS, Patil S, Thind A, Diamant A, Hudis CA, Basch E and Maly RC
Published March 2012 in Cancer

Body Mass Index And Risk Of Second Primary Breast Cancer: The WECARE Study
Authors: Brooks JD, John EM, Mellemkjær L, Reiner AS, Malone KE, Lynch CF, Figueiredo JC, Haile RW, Shore RE, Bernstein JL and Bernstein L
Published January 2012 in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Use Of The BREAST-Q In Clinical Outcomes Research
Authors: Pusic AL, Klassen AF and Cano SJ
Published January 2012 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Employment After a Breast Cancer Diagnosis: A Qualitative Study Of Ethnically Diverse Urban Women
Authors: Blinder VS, Murphy MM, Vahdat LT, Gold HT, de Melo-Martin I, Hayes MK, Scheff RJ, Chuang E, Moore A and Mazumdar M
Published November 2011 in Journal of Community Health

Feasibility Study of a Randomized Controlled Trial of a Telephone-Delivered Problem-Solving Occupational Therapy Intervention to Reduce Participation Restrictions in Rural Breast Cancer Survivors Undergoing Chemotherapy
Authors: Hegel MT, Lyons KD, Hull JG, Kaufman P, Urquhart L, Li Z and Ahles TA
Published October 2011 in Psycho-Oncology

Body Mass Index and Risk of Second Primary Breast Cancer: The WECARE Study
Authors: Brooks JD, John EM, Mellemkjær L, Reiner AS, Malone KE, Lynch CF,
Figueiredo JC, Haile RW, Shore RE, Bernstein JL
Published 2011 in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Understanding Normality: A Qualitative Analysis of Breast Cancer Patients’ Concepts of Normality After Mastectomy and Reconstructive Surgery
Authors: Denford S, Harcourt D, Rubin L, Pusic AL
Published May 2011 in Psycho-Oncology

Characteristics and Outcomes of Breast Cancer In Women With and Without a History of Radiation for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma: A Multi-Institutional, Matched Cohort Study
Authors: Elkin EB, Klem ML, Gonzales AM, Ishill NM, Hodgson D, Ng AK, Marks LB, Weidhaas J, Freedman GM, Miller RC, Constine LS, Myrehaug, S, Yahalom J
Published June 2011 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Measuring Quality of Life And Patient Satisfaction After Body Contouring: A Systematic Review of Patient-Reported Outcome Measures
Authors: Reavey PL, Klassen AF, Cano SJ, McCarthy C, Scott A, Rubin JP, Shermak M, Pusic AL
Published September 2011 in Aesthetic Surgery Journal

Breast Reconstruction After Breast Cancer
Authors: Serletti JM, Fosnot J, Nelson JA, Disa J, Bucky LP
Published June 2011 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Cumulative Imaging Radiation Exposure Following Breast-Conservation Therapy
Authors: Marti JL, Dauer LT, Stempel M, Patil S, Kaplan JB, Montgomery LL
Published January 2011 in the Annals of Surgical Oncology

Time for a New Era In Outcomes Reporting for Breast Reconstruction
Authors: Morrow M and Pusic AL
Published 2011 in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute

Inconsistent Mammography Perceptions and Practices Among Women at Risk of Breast Cancer Following a Pediatric Malignancy: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Published October 2010 in Cancer Causes and Control
Authors: Smith SM, Ford JS, Rakowski W, Moskowitz CS, Diller L, Hudson MM, Mertens AC, Stanton AL, Henderson TO, Leisenring WM, Robison LL, and Oeffinger KC

Patient Satisfaction and Health-Related Quality of Life Following Breast Reconstruction: Patient-reported Outcomes Among Saline and Silicone Implant Recipients
Published March 2010 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Authors: MacAdam SA, Ho AL, Cook Jr EF, Lennox PA, and Pusic AL

Nipple-Sparing Mastectomy and Immediate Tissue Expander/Implant Breast Reconstruction
Published December 2009 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Authors: Chen C, Disa J, Sacchini V, Pusic AL, Mehrara B, Garcia-Etienne C, and Cordeiro P

Postmastectomy Reconstruction: An Approach to Patient Selection
Published July 2009 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Authors: Disa J, McCarthy C, Mehrara B, Pusic AL, Hu Q, and Cordeiro P

Patient-reported Aesthetic Satisfaction with Breast Reconstruction during the Long-term Survivorship Period
Published July 2009 in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
Authors: Hu ES, Pusic AL, Waljee JF, Kuhn L, Hawley ST, Wilkins E, and Alderman AK

Satisfaction and Quality of Life in Women who Undergo Breast Surgery: A Qualitative Study
Published May 2009 in BMC Women’s Health
Authors: Klassen AF, Pusic AL, Scott A, Klok J, and Cano SJ

Breast Cancer Surveillance Practices Among Women Previously Treated With Chest Radiation for a Childhood Cancer
Published January, 2009 in the Journal of the American Medical Association
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Ford JS, Moskowitz CS, Diller LR, Hudson MM, Chou JF, Smith SM, Mertens AC, Henderson TO, Friedman DL, Leisenring WM, and Robison LL

Health-related Quality of Life in Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors Differences by Adjuvant Chemotherapy Dose in Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study 8541
Published March, 2009 in Cancer
Authors: Paskett E, Herndon J 2nd, Donohue K, Naughton M, Grubbs S, Pavy M, Hensley M, Stark N, Kornblith A, Bittoni M; for Cancer and Leukemia Group B

Breast Cancer Surveillance Practices Among Women Previously Treated With Chest Radiation for a Childhood Cancer
Published January, 2009 in the Journal of the American Medical Association
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Ford JS, Moskowitz CS, Diller LR, Hudson MM, Chou JF, Smith SM, Mertens AC, Henderson TO, Friedman DL, Leisenring WM, and Robison LL

Health-related Quality of Life in Long-Term Breast Cancer Survivors Differences by Adjuvant Chemotherapy Dose in Cancer and Leukemia Group B Study 8541
Published March, 2009 in Cancer
Authors: Paskett E, Herndon J 2nd, Donohue K, Naughton M, Grubbs S, Pavy M, Hensley M, Stark N, Kornblith A, and Bittoni M


A Prospective Evaluation of Changes in Brain Structure and Cognitive Functions in Adult Stem Cell Transplant Recipients
Authors: Correa DD, Root JC, Baser R, Moore D, Peck KK, Lis E, Shore TB, Thaler HT, Jakubowski AA, and Relkin N
Published January 2013 in Brain Imaging and Behavior

Cancer- And Cancer Treatment-Associated Cognitive Change: An Update on the State of the Science
Authors: Ahles TA, Root JC, and Ryan EL.
Published October 2012 in Journal of Clinical Oncology

A Unique Interactive Cognitive Behavioral Training Program for Front-Line Cancer Care Professionals
Authors: Clark K, Greene P, Duhamel KN, Loscalzo M, Grant M, Glazier K, and Redd W
Published December 2012 in Journal of Cancer Education

Prevalence of Self-Reported Memory Problems in Adult Cancer Survivors: A National Cross-Sectional Study
Authors: Jean-Pierre P, Winters PC, Ahles TA, Antoni M, Armstrong FD, Penedo F, Lipshultz SE, Miller TL, and Fiscella K
Published January 2012 in the Journal of Oncology Practice

Colorectal Cancer

Ethnic Disparities in Colonoscopy Use Among Colorectal Cancer Survivors: A Systematic Review
Authors: Salz T, Woo H, Starr TD, Jandorf LH, and Duhamel KN
Published December 2012 in Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Primary Care Providers’ Needs and Preferences for Information About Colorectal Cancer Survivorship Care
Authors: Salz T, Oeffinger KC, Lewis PR, Williams RL, Rhyne RL, and Yeazel MW
Published September 2012 in the Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine

Erectile Dysfunction After Treatment for Colorectal Cancer
Author: Temple L
Published October 2011 in BMJ

Consequences of Treatment

Chemotherapy-induced amenorrhea: a prospective study of brain activation changes and neurocognitive correlates [PMID: 23793983]
Authors: Conroy SK, McDonald BC, Ahles TA, West JD, Saykin AJ
Published June 2013 in Brain Imaging and Behavior

Reduced cardiorespiratory fitness in adult survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia [PMID: 23418044]
Tonorezos ES, Snell PG, Moskowitz CS, Eshelman-Kent DA, Liu JE, Chou JF, Smith SM, Dunn AL, Church TS, Oeffinger KC
Published August 2013 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

Acupuncture for the Treatment of Post-Chemotherapy Chronic Fatigue: A Randomized, Blinded, Sham-Controlled Trial
Authors: Deng G, Chan Y, Sjoberg D, Vickers AJ, Yeung KS, Kris M, Straus D, and Cassileth B
Published January 2013 in Supportive Care in Cancer

Methods to Assess Adverse Health-Related Outcomes in Cancer Survivors
Authors: Oeffinger KC, Van Leeuwen FE and Hodgson DC
Published October 2011 Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention

Radiation Fibrosis Syndrome: Neuromuscular and Musculoskeletal Complications in Cancer Survivors
Author: Stubblefield MD
Published November 2011 in American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

The Emergence Of Supportive Oncodermatology: The Study Of Dermatologic Adverse Events To Cancer Therapies
Authors: Balagula Y, Rosen ST, Lacouture ME
Published September 2011 in Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology

Sinonasal Adenocarcinoma: A Rare Second Malignancy In Long Term Retinoblastoma Survivors
Authors: Bhagia P, Colanta AB, Abramson DH, Carlson Dl, Kleinerman RA, Kraus D, Dunkel IJ
Published October 2011 in Pediatric Blood and Cancer

High Incidence Of Thromboembolic Events In Patients Treated With Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy: A Large Retrospective Analysis
Authors: Moore RA, Adel N, Riedel E, Bhutani M, Feldman DR, Tabbara NE, Soff G, Parameswaran R, Hassoun H
Published September 2011 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Long-Term Cardiac and Pulmonary Complications of Cancer Therapy
Authors: Yahalom J, Portlock CS
Published July 2011 in Heart Failure Clinics

Prospective Cognitive Follow-up in Primary CNS Lymphoma Patients Treated with Chemotherapy and Reduced-dose Radiotherapy
Published February 2009 in Journal of Neuro-Oncology
Authors: Correa DD, Rocco-Donovan M, DeAngelis LM, Dolgoff-Kaspar R, Iwamoto F, Yahalom J, Abrey LE

The Feasibility of the Physician Checklist to Identify Important Survivorship Issues Postoperatively Following Fertility-Preserving Surgery
Published 2009 in Gynecologic Oncology
Authors: Carter J, Sonoda Y, Chi D, Raviv L, Abu-Rustum N

Cancer Survivors’ Health Worries and Associations with Lifestyle Practices
Published November 2008 in the Journal of Health Psychology
Authors: Mosher CE, Lipkus IM, Sloane R, Kraus WE, Snyder DC, Peterson B, Jones LW, and Demark-Wahnefried W

Long-term Cardiac and Pulmonary Complications of Cancer Therapy
Published April 2008 in Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America
Authors: Yahalom J,and Portlock CS

Neurocognitive Changes in Cancer Survivors
Published November 2008 in the Cancer Journal
Authors: Correa DD, and Ahles TA

Reproductive Issues in the Gynecologic Cancer Patient
Published April 2007 in Oncology
Authors: Carter J, Lewin S, Abu-Rustum N, and Sonoda Y

Female Sexual Health

Addressing Female Sexual Function after Cancer by Internists and Primary Care Providers
Authors: Bober SL, Carter J, and Falk S
Published February 2013 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine

Simple Strategies for Vaginal Health Promotion in Cancer Survivors
Authors: Carter J, Goldfrank D, Schover LR
Published in February 2011 Journal of Sexual Medicine


Fertility Preservation for Patients with Cancer
Authors: Kelvin JF, Kroon L, and Ogle SK
Published April 2012 in the Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing

Reproductive Outcomes Of Patients Undergoing Radical Trachelectomy For Early-Stage Cervical Cancer
Authors: Kim CH, Abu-Rustum NR, Chi DS, Gardner GJ, Leitao MM, Carter J, Barakat RR and Sonoda Y
Published June 2012 in Gynecologic Oncology

Recovery Issues of Fertility-Preserving Surgery in Patients with Early-Stage Cervical Cancer and a Model for Survivorship: The Physician Checklist
Authors: Carter J, Raviv L, Sonoda Y, Chi DS, Abu-Rustum NR
Published January 2011 in International Journal of Gynecological Cancer

Decreased Fertility Among Female Childhood Cancer Survivors Who Received 22-27 Gyhypothalamic/Pituitary Irradiation: A Report from the Childhood Cancer Survivor Study
Authors: Green, DM, Nolan VG, Kawashima T, Stovall M, Donaldson SS, Srivastava D, Leisenring W, Robison LL, Sklar CA
Published March 2011 in Fertility and Sterility

Cancer-related Infertility in Survivorship
Published January 2010 in International Journal of Gynecological Cancer
Authors: Carter J, Chi DS, Brown CL, Abu-Rustum NR, Sonoda Y, Aghajanian C, Levine DA, Baser RE, Raviv L, and Barakat RR

A Cross-sectional study of the Psychosexual Impact of Cancer-related Infertility in Women: Third party Reproductive Assistance
Published September 2010 Journal of Cancer
Authors: Carter J, Raviv L, Applegarth L, Ford JS, Josephs L, Grill E, Sklar C, Sonoda Y, Baser RE, and Barakat RR

Gynecologic Cancer

Contemporary Quality Of Life Issues Affecting Gynecologic Cancer Survivors
Authors: Carter J, Penson R, Barakat R and Wenzel L
Published February 2012 in Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America

Sexual Functioning Among Endometrial Cancer Patients Treated With Adjuvant High Dose-Rate Intra-Vaginal Radiation Therapy
Authors: Damast S, Alektiar KM, Goldfarb S, Eaton A, Patil S, Mosenkis J, Bennett A, Atkinson T, Jewell E, Leitao M, Barakat RR, Carter J and Basch E
Published May 2012 in International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics

Head and Neck

Measuring Health-Related Quality of Life Outcomes in Head and Neck Reconstruction
Authors: Albornoz CR, Pusic AL, Reavey P, Scott AM, Klassen AF, Cano SJ, Cordeiro P, and Matros E
Published April 2013 in Clinics in Plastic Surgery

Psychosocial Adjustment of Family Caregivers of Head and Neck Cancer Survivors
Published February 2010 in Supportive Care in Cancer
Authors: Ross S, Mosher CE, Ronis-Tobin V, Hermele S, and Ostroff JS

Lung Cancer

Patterns oOf Recurrence and Second Primary Lung Cancerin Early-Stage Lung Cancer Survivors Followed with Routine Computed Tomography Surveillance
Authors: Lou F, Huang J, Sima CS, Dycoco J, Rusch V, and Bach PB
Published January 2013 in the Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery

American Cancer Society Lung Cancer Screening Guidelines
Authors: Wender R, Fontham Barrera Jr E, Colditz GA, Church TR, Ettinger DS, Etzioni R, Flowers CR, Scott Gazelle G, Kelsey DK, Lamonte SJ, Michaelson JS, Oeffinger KC, Shih YCT, Sullivan DC, Travis W, Walter L, Wolf AMD, Brawley OW, and Smith RA
Published March 2013 in CA Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Health Behaviors Of Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Survivors
Krebs P, Coups EJ, Feinstein MB, Burkhalter J, Steingart RM, Logue A, Park BJ, Ostroff JS
Published July 2011 in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Fatigue and Functional Impairment in Early-stage Non-small cell Lung Cancer Survivors
Authors: Hung R, Krebs P, Coups EJ, Feinstein MB, Park BJ, Burkhalter J, Ostroff JS
Published February 2011 in Journal of Pain and Symptom Management

Health-related Quality of Life Among Early Stage, Non-small cell, Lung Cancer Survivors
Authors: Ostroff JS, Krebs P, Coups EJ, Burkhalter JE, Feinstein MB, Steingart RM, Logue AE, Park BJ
Published January 2011 in Lung Cancer

Health-related Quality of Life Among Early-stage, Non-small cell, Lung Cancer Survivors
Published May 2010 in Lung Cancer
Authors: Ostroff JS, Krebs P, Coups EJ, Burkhalter J, Feinstein MB, Steingart RM, Logue AE, and Park BJ

Current Dyspnea Among Long-term Survivors of Early-stage Non-small Cell Lung Cancer
Published August 2010 in Journal of Thoracic Oncology
Authors: Feinstein MB, Krebs P, Coups EJ, Park BJ, Steingart RM, Burkhalter J, Logue A, and Ostroff JS

Physical Activity Among Lung Cancer Survivors: Changes Across the Cancer Trajectory and Associations with Quality of Life
Published February 2009 in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
Authors: Coups EJ, Park BJ, Feinstein MB, Steingart RM, Egleston BL, Wilson DJ, Ostroff JS

Correlates of Physical Activity Among Lung Cancer Survivors
Published April 2009 in Psycho-Oncology
Authors: Coups E, Park BJ, Feinstein M, Steingart RM, Egleston B, Wilson D, and Ostroff JS

Physical Activity Among Lung Cancer Survivors: Changes Across the Cancer Trajectory and Associations with Quality of Life
Published February 2009 in Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers and Prevention
Authors: Coups EJ, Park BJ, Feinstein MB, Steingart RM, Egleston BL, Wilson DJ, and Ostroff JS


Acupuncture in the treatment of upper-limb lymphedema: Results of a pilot study [PMID: 23576267]
Cassileth B, Van Zee KJ, Yeung KS, Coleton MI, Cohen S, Chan YH, Vickers AJ, Sjoberg DD, Hudis CA
Published July 2013 in Cancer

Systematic review of quality of life and patient reported outcomes in patients with oncologic related lower extremity lymphedema [PMID: 23531180]
Authors: Cemal Y, Jewell S, Albornoz CR, Pusic AL, Mehrara B
Published March 2013 in Lymphatic Research and Biology

State-of-the-art Issues in Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Survivorship
Published November 2010 in Current Oncology Reports
Authors: Baxi SS and Matasar MJ

Management Options, Survivorship, and Emerging Treatment Strategies for Follicular and Hodgkin Lymphomas
Published August 2010 in Leukemia and Lymphoma
Authors: Czuczman M, Straus D, Gribben J, Bredenfeld H, Friedberg J, and Bollard C

A Safety and Efficacy Pilot Study of Acupuncture For the Treatment of Chronic Lymphedema
Cassileth BR, Van Zee KJ, Chan Y, Coleton MI, Hudis CA, Cohen S, Lozada J, Vickers AJ
Published September 2011 in Acupuncture in Medicine

A SEER-Medicare Population-Based Study of Lymphedema-Related Claims Incidence Following Breast Cancer In Men
Reiner AS, Jacks LM, Van Zee KJ, Panageas KS
Published November 2011 in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment

Male Sexual Health

Back to baseline: Erectile function recovery after radical prostatectomy from the patients’ perspective [PMID: 23551767]
Authors: Nelson CJ, Scardino PT, Eastham J, Mulhall JP
Published June 2013 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine

Ejaculation profiles of men following radiation therapy for prostate cancer [PMID: 23433425]
Authors: Sullivan JF, Stember DS, Deveci S, Akin-Olugbade Y, Mulhall JP
Published May 2013 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine

Defining the impact of vascular risk factors on erectile function recovery after radical prostatectomy [PMID: 22758405]
Authors: Teloken PE, Nelson CJ, Karellas M, Stasi J, Eastham J, Scardino PT, Mulhall JP
Published April 2013 in BJU International

Subjective Characterization of Nerve Sparing Predicts Recovery of Erectile Functionafter Radical Prostatectomy: Defining the Utility of a Nerve Sparing Grading System
Authors: Moskovic DJ, Alphs H, Nelson CJ, Rabbani F, Eastham J, Touijer K, Guillonneau B, Scardino PT, Mulhall JP
Published January 2011 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine


Melanoma Survivors: Health Behaviors, Surveillance, Psychosocial Factors, and Family Concerns
Authors: Oliveria SA, Shuk E, Hay JL, Heneghan M, Goulart JM, Panageas K, Geller AC, and Halpern AC
Published January 2013 in Psycho-Oncology

Skin Care Behaviors Among Melanoma Survivors
Bowen D, Jabson J, Haddock N, Hay J, Edwards K
Published July 2011 in Psycho-Oncology

Evidence-based Follow-up for the Patient with Melanoma
Authors: Fields RC, Coit DG
Published January 2011 in Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America

Sun Protection and Skin Self-Examination in Melanoma Survivors
Published October 2009 in Psycho-Oncology
Authors: Mujumdar UJ, Monroe-Hinds YC, Hummer AJ, Begg CB, Wilcox HB, Oliveria SA, Berwick M

Ovarian Cancer

Cognitive Functions in Long-term Survivors of Ovarian Cancer
Published November 2010 in Gynecologic Oncology
Authors: Correa DD, Zhou Q, Thaler HT, Maziarz M, Hurley K, and Hensley ML

Prostate Cancer

Loss of Masculine Identity, Marital Affection, and Sexual Bother in Men with Localized Prostate Cancer
Authors: Zaider T, Manne S, Nelson CJ, Mulhall JP, and Kissane D
Published October 2012 in Journal of Sexual Medicine

Trends in the Use of Incontinence Procedures After Radical Prostatectomy: A Population Based Analysis
Authors: Kim PH, Pinheiro LC, Atoria CL, Eastham JA, Sandhu JS, and Elkin EB
Published September 2012 in Journal of Urology

Incidence Of Secondary Cancer Development After High-Dose Intensity-Modulated Radiotherapy And Image-Guided Brachytherapy For The Treatment Of Localized Prostate Cancer
Authors: Zelefsky MJ, Housman DM, Pei X, Alicikus Z, Magsanoc JM, Dauer LT, St. Germain J, Yamada Y, Kollmeier M, Cox B and Zhang Z
Published July 2012 in International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics

A Critical Analysis Of The Long-Term Impact Of Radical Prostatectomy On Cancer ControlAnd Function Outcomes
Authors: Boorjian SA, Eastham JA, Graefen M, Guillonneau B, Karnes RJ, Moul JW,Schaeffer EM, Stief C and Zorn KC
Published April 2012 in European Urology

Measuring Erectile Function After Radical Prostatectomy: Comparing a Single Question with the International Index of Erectile Function
Tal R, Rabbani F, Scardino PT, Mulhall JP
Published August 2011 in BJU International

The Association Between Erectile Dysfunction and Depressive Symptoms in Men Treated for Prostate Cancer
Authors: Nelson CJ, Mulhall JP, Roth AJ
Published February 2011 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine

Time Course of Recovery of Erectile Function after Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy: Does Anyone Recover after Two Years?
Published December 2010 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
Authors: Rabbani F, Schiff J, Piecuch M, Yunis LH, Eastham JA, Scardino PT, and Mulhall JP

Defining and Reporting Erectile Function Outcomes after Radical Prostatectomy: Challenges and Misconceptions
Published February 2009 in the Journal of Urology
Author: Mulhall JP

Coping Patterns and Psychosocial Distress in Female Partners of Prostate Cancer Patients
Published July 2009 in Psychosomatics
Authors: Couper J, Bloch S, Love A, Duchesne G, MacVean M, Kissane D

Does On-Demand Vardenafil Improve Erectile Function Recovery After Radical Prostatectomy?
Published January 2009 in Nature Clinical Practice Urology
Author: Mulhall JP

Recovery of Urinary Continence after Radical Prostatectomy: Association with Urethral Length and Urethral Fibrosis Measured by Preoperative and Postoperative Endorectal Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Published March 2009 in European Urology
Authors: Paparel P, Akin O, Sandhu JS, Otero JR, Serio AM, Scardino PT, Hricak H, Guillonneau B

Erectile Function Recovery Rate after Radical Prostatectomy: A Meta-Analysis
Published September 2009 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
Authors: Tal R, Krebs P, Nelson CJ, Mulhall JP

Post-Radical Prostatectomy Pharmacological Penile Rehabilitation: Practice Patterns among the International Society for Sexual Medicine Practitioners
Published July 2009 in the Journal of Sexual Medicine
Authors: Teloken PE, Montorsi F, Mulhall JP

Psychosocial Support

Effectiveness of Partner Social Support Predicts Enduring Psychological Distress After Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation
Authors: Rini C, Redd WH, Austin J, Mosher CE, Meschian YM, Isola L, Scigliano E, Moskowitz CH, Papadopoulos E, Labay LE, Rowley S, Burkhalter J, Schetter CD, Duhamel KN
Published February 2011 in Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology

The Development of Novel Interventions to Assist the Leaders of Cancer Support Groups
Authors: Zordan RD, Butow PN, Kirsten L, Juraskova I, O’Reilly A, Friedsam J, Bovopolous N, Heinrich P, Charles M, Hobbs K, Kissane D
Published January 2011 in the Supportive Care in Cancer

Smoking Cessation

Harm Reduction and Cessation Efforts and Interest in Cessation Resources among Survivors of Smoking-Related Cancers
Authors: Berg CJ, Carpenter MJ, Jardin B, and Ostroff JS
Published January 2013 in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Stem Cell Transplant

T Cell-Depleted Unrelated Donor Stem Cell Transplantation Provides Favorable Disease-Free Survival For Adults With Hematologic Malignancies
Jakubowski AA, Small TN, Kernan NA, Castro-Malaspina H, Collins N, Koehne G, Hsu KC, Perales MA, Papanicolaou G, van den Brink MRM, O’Reilly RJ, Young JW, Papadopoulos EB
Published September 2011 in Biology of Blood and Marrow Transplantation

Quality Of Life Concerns And Depression Among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors
Mosher CE, Duhamel KN, Rini C, Corner G, Lam J, Redd WH
Published September 2011 in Supportive Care in Cancer

Randomized Clinical Trial of Telephone-administered Cognitive-behavioral Therapy to;Reduce Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and Distress Symptoms after Hematopoietic Stem-cell Transplantation
Published August 2010 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology
Authors: DuHamel KN, Mosher CE, Winkel G, Labay LE, Rini C, Meschian YM, Austin J, Greene PB, Lawsin CR, Rusiewicz A, Grosskreutz CL, Isola L, Moskowitz CH, Papadopoulos EB, Rowley S, Scigliano E, Burkhalter J, Hurley KE, Bollinger AR, and Redd WH

Quality of Life Concerns and Depression Among Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors
Published July 2010 Supportive Care in Cancer
Authors: Mosher CE, DuHamel KN, Rini C, Corner G, Lam J, and Redd WH

Physical, Psychological, and Social Sequelae Following Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation: A Review of the Literature
Published February 2009 in Psychooncology
Authors: Mosher CE, Redd WH, Rini CM, Burkhalter JE, and Duhamel KN.

Survivorship Care

Advancing survivorship care through the National Cancer Survivorship Resource Center: Developing American Cancer Society guidelines for primary care providers [PMID: 23512728]
Authors: Cowens-Alvarado R, Sharpe K, Pratt-Chapman M, Willis, A, Gansler T, Ganz PA, Edge SB, McCabe MS, Stein K
Published May 2013 in the Cancer Journal for Clinicians

Attendance at a survivorship clinic: impact on knowledge and psychosocial adjustment [PMID: 23793467]
Authors: Ford JS, Chou J, Sklar CA
Published June 2013 in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Survivorship programs and care planning [PMID: 23695930]
Authors: McCabe MS, Faithfull S, Makin W, Wengstrom Y
Published June 2013 in Cancer

Current perspectives and emerging issues on cancer rehabilitation [PMID: 23695929]
Authors: Stubblefield MD, Hubbard G, Cheville A, Koch U, Schmitz KH, Dalton SO
Published June 2013 in Cancer

American Society of Clinical Oncology Statement: Achieving High-Quality Cancer Survivorship Care
Authors: McCabe MS, Bhatia S, Oeffinger KC, Reaman GH, Tyne C, Wollins DS, and Hudson MM
Published February 2013 in the Journal of Clinical Oncology

Adult Cancer Survivors Discuss Follow-Up in Primary Care: ’Not What I Want, But Maybe What I Need’
Authors: Hudson SV, Miller SM, Hemler J, Ferrante JM, Lyle J, Oeffinger KC, and Dipaola RS
Published September 2012 in the Annals of Family Medicine

Cancer Survivors and the Patient-Centered Medical Home
Authors: Hudson SV, Miller SM, Hemler J, McClinton A, Oeffinger KC, Tallia A and Crabtree BF
Published September 2012 in Translational Behavioral Medicine

Clinical Update: Survivorship Care - Models and Programs
Authors: McCabe MS and Jacobs LA
Published August 2012 in Seminars in Oncology Nursing

Survivorship Care Plans In Research And Practice
Authors: Salz T, Oeffinger KC, McCabe MS, Layne TM and Bach PB
Published January 2012 in Cancer

Adult Cancer Survivorship Care: Experiences From The LIVESTRONG Centers Of Excellence Network
Authors: Campbell MK, Tessaro I, Gellin M, Valle GC, Golden S, Kaye L, Ganz PA, McCabe MS, Jacobs LA, Syrjala K, Anderson B, Jones AF and Miller K
Published September 2011 in Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Survivorship Care Planning After The Institute Of Medicine Recommendations: How Are We Faring?
Authors: Stricker CT, Jacobs LA, Risendal B, Jones A, Panzer A, Ganz PA, Syrjala KL, McCabe MS, Baker KS, Miller K, Casillas J, Rosenstein DL, Campbell M and Palmer SC
Published December 2011 in Journal of Cancer Survivorship

Cancer as a chronic disease: What should be done to serve survivors?
Published 2009 in Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Authors: Donaldson S, Blayney DW, Brody J, Edwards E, McCabe MS, Miller K, Stovall E

Establishing a General Medical Outpatient Clinic for Cancer Survivors in a Public City Hospital Setting
Published November 2009 I the Journal of General Internal Medicine
Authors: Goytia E, Lounsbury D, McCabe M, Weiss E, Newcomer M, Nelson D, Brennessel D, Rapkin B, Kemeny M

Transitioning to Cancer Survivorship: Plans of Care
Published August 2009
Author: Houlihan, NG

The LIVESTRONG Survivorship Center of Excellence Network
Published March 2009 in the Journal of Cancer Survivorship
Authors: Shapiro CL, McCabe MS, Syrjala KL, Friedman D, Jacobs LA, Ganz PA, Diller L, Campell M, Orcena K, and Marcus AC

Testicular Cancer

Long-Term and Late Effects of Germ Cell Testicular Cancer Treatment and Implications for Follow-Up
Authors: Haugnes HS, Bosl GJ, Boer H, Gietema JA, Brydyo M, Oldenburg J, Dahl AA, Bremnes RM, and Fossa SD
Published October 2012 in Journal of Clinical Oncology

Testicular Cancer Survivorship: Research Strategies and Recommendations
Published August 2010 in Journal of the National Cancer Institute
Authors: Travis LB, Beard C, Allan JM, Dahl AA, Feldman DR, Oldenburg J, Daugaard G, Kelly JL, Dolan ME, Hannigan R, Constine LS, Oeffinger KC, Okunieff P, Armstrong G, Wiljer D, Miller RC, Gietema JA, Van Leeuwen FE, Williams JP, Nichols CR, Einhorn LH, and Fossa SD

Thyroid Cancer

Follow Up Approaches in Thyroid Cancer: A Risk Adapted Paradigm
Published June 2008 in Endocrinology and Metabolism Clinics of North America
Authors: Tuttle RM, and Leboeuf R

Transplant Survivors

Posttraumatic Growth, Social Support, and Social Constraint in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Survivors
Authors: Nenova M, Duhamel KN, Zemon V, Rini C, and Redd WH
Published January 2013 in Psycho-Oncology